One of the women at this company wants to know if the following behavior would tolerated in the UK:
Perhaps he's one of those Brits who think that all Americans love the British and their little eccentricities and thinks he can get away with this sort of behaviour in the States. I very much doubt he could get away with it on the other side of the pond. Either way, he's insensitive and stupid.
Either way, he's insensitive and stupid
Echo that. Not the UK, but in Israel, that would be sexual harassment as well.
One of the women at this company wants to know if the following behavior would tolerated in the UK
I agree that the answer is no. There are very clear laws on sexual harassment here. And, yes, the main point is that it's sexual harassment where he's working now.
I'm an American who stands second to nobody in his enjoyment of the British and "their little eccentricities" (Anfield Cat Rules!). My description of that guy would start with "appalling" and go on from there.
Thanks all. She guessed this, but wanted ammunition against the "eccentric Brit" defense before she went to HR. Not, as everyone has said, that it should make a difference, but it is good to KNOW that it is bullshit. So again, thanks.
If he was gay, it would be still asinine behavior, but slightly less creepy. But still not acceptable.
In case people are wondering, we're going away today for a few days' of skiing (well, the rest of the family ski; I intend to catch up on some reading and spend lots of time dozing). But I will check in here when we return.
Mother-of-a-boy-who-hits-double-figures-tomorrow (if you can believe THAT...).
That sounds lovely, Fiona.
And no, that can't possibly be true. He's the board baby!
Skipping (why, yes, even in this thread, that's how behind I am) because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Benno's birthday.
And if I have my numbers right (I just counted on my fingers, and used both hands, but didn't have to take off any socks in order to start counting toes), this boy who was born when the board already thrived (though not yet on the Phoenix Board), has two digits in his age starting today. I can't believe it (hence the counting on said fingers), and yet, apparently, the numbers must be so.
Happy birthday, you big wonderful boy! With lots of wishes for your mom, your sister, and all your family, as well!
Happy birthday, Benno! First born of Buffista babies!