the Nazi episode featured a different power altogether - it wasn't Curtis' old power.
I actually like what they've done with Kelly this season. It feels like she had gotten more plot and more agency. I dig it. Alisha though...they need to develop her character a bit more separate from the male characters.
the Nazi episode featured a different power altogether - it wasn't Curtis' old power.
Yes, it was. [Edit: well, it was supposed to be. Like I said: it doesn't quite add up]. When Curtis wanted his old power back at the end of S. 2 Seth told him he'd sold it to an old Jewish guy who wanted to kill Hitler. That's what we saw played out.
well damn. I missed that line of dialogue. fuck it.
I haven't seen this week's yet, but I think one of the problems is that it's been more about them dealing with other people's powers rather than using their own. And there's been way too much of the new guy to the detriment of developing the rest of the gang. I mean, a whole episode about him trying to prevent his dick from falling off?!
I have to say this season isn't grabbing me in the way the other two have. I am a few episodes behind now and I'm in no hurry to catch up. Rudy is okay, but Jon's right, he gets way too much screen time. And there is still a Nathan-shaped hole in the show.
Re the last episode of S. 3 of
Misfits -
finally, that was more like it.
I'll wait until more people have seen it to say more.
Haven't seen the last one yet, but I enjoyed the zombie episode. I loved that the parole officer was doomed within seconds of her arrival.
They announced yesterday that there will be a fourth series.
They announced yesterday that there will be a fourth series.
Yes, but apparently without
Antonia Thomas and Iwan Rheon
(Whitefonted for the benefit of those who haven't seen the last episode yet. Highlight at your own risk!)