I just finished watching the run of Misfits because an Alisha-centric vid made me want to know more. 6 episodes later, I'm very pleased, and a hell of a season ender. I'm happy to see we'll be getting more in a few months, and that the initial run was met with critical acclaim.
They're not strictly likable characters, but I did want to follow all their stories, even the one I truly didn't like.
And great use of music. Episode 4 had the best.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed Misfits. I got into the repeat a couple of months ago, after it won the BAFTA for best drama. Great characters and performances and yes, great music.
Which was the storyline you didn't like, ita?
Yes, there's a Christmas special in the works (although somehow "Misfits" and "Christmas special" don't really go together - it'll be fun to see what they do with it) as well as another series. I just hope it doesn't do a Heroes and go all rubbish.
I liked all the storylines, it was that the characters weren't all likable. Except for the sprinter, I didn't wholly like any of them from start to finish. But they were all interesting.
Is this the worst looking comics store in America?
The answer, unfortunately, is no. I've seen worse. Much worse.
Heh! I think the only worse ones I've seen are those with a THICK layer of dust on all of that but maybe the newspaper pics don't show that.
I was involved with Friends of Lulu when they were just starting up. One of the topics of discussion was how comics stores could be more appealing to women (or why a lot of the existing stores were not). A crowded store like that wouldn't keep me away because I'm a confirmed comics/pop culture geek. But it might keep a lot of women from even investigating comics. A lot of comics stores have gotten hip to that in the last 15 years. But I guess there are some stragglers...
Pffft, I've seen a comic store that didn't even have shelves. Just long boxes and only some of those on tables.
Why is this in Unamerican?
Dude, thick layer of dust, plus housed in a leaky trailer that's up on blocks. That place isn't even close.
Wrong thread. I meant to post in Other Media.
I read over at the Westeros blog that Sky is going to air
Game of Thrones
in April - or possibly less than a month after it airs in the United States.