Reminding me that I've at least enjoyed the finale of one show recently: Ashes to Ashes increases BBC Friday night viewership by over 30% to nearly 6 million [link] [An otherwise rather dull article. No spoilers that I can see.]
Remember the days when sci-fi/fantasy-influenced shows did the BBC no ratings favours? I wonder if it's American imports, including Buffy, that have changed all that.
Here's a link to the blog of the guy who wrote the Guardian piece. He's got a lot more Ashes stuff and expanded interviews with Matthew Graham:
Just today I remembered one of my favourite bits from the last episode. How do you know somebody is
the devil?
Because they make you
listen to Club Tropicana on a loop during a four-hour car journey.
Is anyone else watching the Eurovision semis? Lithuania were genius.
I would like to hear about about these genius Lithuanians.
It's a group of five guys and at the end of their number they rip off their trousers and are wearing sparkly tight shorts underneath. If that's not a touch of Eurovision genius I don't know what is.
I'll try to find it on youtube...
You need to have an advanced mathematics degree to understand Eurovision: [link]
Is there going to be a second series of Luther? That was amazing.
I haven't heard yet whether there will be or not. The press has mostly been 'Oh my God that was so melodramatically terrible in a really good way' about it, so I think there probably will be.
Idris definitely chewed all the scenery in arm's reach, but I think it was quite taut and exciting.