I heard what Seska heard, and thought much of what she thought. I mean, we've had verification of the "reality" of the Hunt timeline, more or less, with the dead body from next door. I'm not sold on whether Alex's 2000-whatever that she's in at the moment is real...of course, that would totally undermine the reality of 1982, if it weren't, dream within a dream and all that.
I, personally, like the idea that they're both real, in meaningful ways. The question of choosing between realities is a more compelling one if neither is totally fictitious. But it has to be an alternate timeline, doesn't it? I really wish they'd said outright that there never was such a person as Gene Hunt at the beginning of A2A, just for clarity's sake. Although, maybe they're holding that to the end, have him show up as his 72-year-old self. According to Philip Glenister, they're going to deal with who he really is in the final series, so here's hoping he's not the devil.