I've never heard of Graham Crackers, we used to have a breakfast cereal called Golden Grahams which might have been made of the same stuff.
If it's the same as the Golden Grahams we have hear, then it's basically little tiny thin Graham crackers with a ton of cinnamon and sugar added.
I think that the brand of Graham crackers that we usually got when I was a kid came in choice of plain, honey, or cinnamon flavor.
Graham crackers and corn flakes both came out of late nineteenth century weird food movements. There were a lot of them back then, advocating various odd diets that would cure everything. One thing the all had in common was very little meat and lots of fiber -- from the late nineteenth century up until the thirties or so, there was a widely accepted theory that if you allowed waste to sit in your bowels, it would become toxic and sicken your whole body and mind. If you look at health textbooks for kids and teenagers from that time, they're very insistent that, in addition to exercise and clean air, you MUST "clean your bowel" at least daily.
you MUST "clean your bowel" at least daily.
Thus the popularity of cod liver oil at the time, which I remember most vividly from Clara's disgust over her required dosage in Heidi.
Poking my head to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Benno's birthday.
I can't help but see Benno as the first b.org baby, even though posters obviously have children older than him, because he was the first baby who was born while his parent was posting (um, almost literally in his case, but thankfully only almost).
Happy birthday, Benno, you big boy! With lots of wishes for your mom, your younger sister, and all your family!
Hippo Birdies (belated?) Benno!
Yup. Benno is definitely the first Buffista baby. Happy birthday, Benno!
Happy Birthday, Benno! First among Buffista babes!
Wow. Benno's birthday AGAIN?
Happy Birthday, little guy!
Wow. Benno's birthday AGAIN?
You're telling me....
Thank you everyone! I think he had a pretty good day, despite it being a school day. Nice pressies, a good time with some friends and some sledging in the afternoon: what more could a seven-year-old boy want? Party is tomorrow afternoon, so there's still that to look forward to.
He's becoming so grown-up, it's quite scary.
SEVEN? What is this crazy talk?