Thank you! He's five years old, can you believe it? Of course, I wasn't in such a good mood when he woke me three times over the space of three hours last night because he was so excited....
He's at Kindergarten right now. It just so happens that, not only is it his birthday, it is also Fasching/Karnival, and so they are having a big dress-up party as well. He went as a
Birthday Tiger! Great makeup!
Happy New Year to those who go by the moon.
Happy Birthday Benno!
He makes an excellent tiger.
Hippo birdies Benno the buffista no-longer-baby!
Happy birthday to Benno Tiger-Boy!
Happy birthday, Benno! I seriously can't believe he's FIVE!
Happy Birthday, Benno! It's a great day to share!
He's five years old, can you believe it?
No way!
Dang, even in tiger makeup (or especially in tiger makeup) he's a good looking kid.
Happy birthday, Benno!