Yay for you! I've just seen the fourth episode, and all I'm going to say is that it's a really good series so far, ocassional plot lapse notwithstanding.
I've seen the first two and will be getting 3 and 4 from a mate shortly but it won't stop me watching on TV. Being a geek an' all.
IIRC, they have it scheduled to start mid-May.
A little late, but hoping all Austral- and NZistas had a good ANZAC Day.
{{{Fiona}}} -- sending you much "baby-stay-put-ma".
Good healthma to both you and the baby, Fiona.
Oh, Fiona, all best wishes for you and the baby.
May the rest of your pregnancy be exceedingly healthy and downright boring!
Vibes are on their way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm sending you healthy gestatation vibes across the ocean, Fiona.
Healthy baby~ma, grow-baby-grow~ma, placenta-stay-put~ma, heading your way Fiona.