Just watched the first episode of the new Dr Who and it most assuredly does NOT suck in the slightest. Christopher Eccleston is a fantastic Doctor, with a cheeky sense of humour (Upon glancing at a gossip mag: "That'll never work; he's gay and she's an alien") but a hint of steely determination and understanding of the danger he combats regularly. Billie Piper (who I don't know from Eve) as Rose is going to be a great "companion", who will be more than able to take care of herself. The production values are very high and the special effects are perfectly servicable without being spectacular. The interior of the Tardis is a radical departure to any previous incarnation and there is a Giger-esque slash Farscape inspiration. Overall, I am extremely excited about this new incarnation b/c they are staying true to the past and not making any attempt to kowtow to a US audience by American-ifying the show.
The very fact that Rose's boyfriend is black speaks to that.
ETA: Oh and I suppose I should mention that Rose is more Tara size than Willow or Buffy, so that'll keep a few folk happy.
they are staying true to the past and not making any attempt to kowtow to a US audience by American-ifying the show.
The Sci-Fi channel has already passed on the show.
Yeah, I saw that in the linked review. They're making a huge mistake but then what's new for a station that cancelled Farscape but made movies like Interceptor Force II and Boa vs Python? I suspect BBC-America will eventually screen it though.
ETA: According to a post on IMDB, CBC Canada will be airing the new series starting in April.
They're making a huge mistake but then what's new for a station that cancelled Farscape but made movies like Interceptor Force II and Boa vs Python?
Yeah, the latest winner from Sci-Fi is called Mansquito.
what's new for a station that cancelled Farscape but made movies like Interceptor Force II and Boa vs Python?
Not that you could pay me to watch much on the station that doesn't play on Friday nights, but still.
evil jimi, the TARDIS was designed by Bryan Hitch, the artist of PLANETARY and ASTONISHING XMEN
evil jimi, the TARDIS was designed by Bryan Hitch, the artist of PLANETARY and ASTONISHING XMEN
Wait, the artist on Joss' X-Men? It really IS all connected, isn't it?
ETA: According to a post on IMDB, CBC Canada will be airing the new series starting in April.
It's true, and they were promoting it heavily during an airing of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.