Having personally brought the Un-American thread to an untimely demise, it is up to me to raise a new topic.
…having exhausted the subject of convenience stores …
An easily exhausted subject, I'll grant you.
Excuse me. I believe that's
Internal syntax with itself warring
or possibly ... Internal syntax with itself warring
It was a battle. I lost.
In the States they are having hurricanes and elections. Surely, there must be some distinction between the two.
OTOH I am comforted by a 24 hour supermarket with milk (and everything else) at supermarket prices
Are there any in Adelaide (as opposed to the larger country towns)?
OK technically it's not a supermarket. When they wrote the legislation lifting the trading hour limitation on stores that were not supermarkets, there was this one Coles Supermarket that came in some 10 sqft floor area below the definition. So it went 24/7. It may not have the full brand range of regular Coles supers, but what it does have is at Coles prices.
Pat the Rat: Blond superbitch on Sons and Daughters 70s/80s primetime soap. Rowena Wllace played the original (the character later went to S America, was involved in a car crash, came back looking like a totally different person).
Sounds like an instance of That Was Some Vacation.
Hey guys. Do we have anyone currently in the UK? Or Europe? I have more free time than I thought this semester and thought I might go traveling.
Hey guys. Do we have anyone currently in the UK? Or Europe? I have more free time than I thought this semester and thought I might go traveling.
Fiona in Germany. Jim in UK. Gus in Switzerland...
I have a cousin in Exeter who is a writer and a very exciting person. The only other reason to go to Exeter is the dead people, I'm afraid. (Norman cathedral, lots of interesting graves inside, Roman walls.)
SA, This map is fairly current.
I have a cousin in Exeter who is a writer and a very exciting person. The only other reason to go to Exeter is the dead people, I'm afraid. (Norman cathedral, lots of interesting graves inside, Roman walls.)
Untrue! The Bridge Inn is nearby, and you can get the exquisite Bishop's Tipple there.
Well, I mean, there's a Marks & Sparks on High Street too, but you can do that in any village from here to... do they have Marks & Sparks in Scotland?
...I lie. Exeter has the cutest Royal Albert Memorial Museum ever, including two stuffed albatrosses, a stuffed giraffe, a number of 19th century sea creatures preserved in alcohol, and a whole room of antique clocks that are all set to real time, most of which have bells or cuckoos.