Next time YOU have to come to New York!
You have no idea how much she tried to convince me to come with her. Even the "I'm TAing, I have lessons I have to be in to teach" didn't seem to convince her. I think the fact that I couldn't really afford a ticket tipped her off, eventually. But it still could have been great fun, though. Maybe next time.
Happy Birthday to Fiona! Hope it is a good day for you!
Happy Birthday, Fiona! Email insent too. I need your address.
t hugs, kisses, and snuggles Fiona
A very Happy Birthday to one of the very first Buffistas I ever met!
Awww, thanks everybody. Just thought I'd check in before heading off to bed. It's been a good day. B. gave me my present first thing, by sleeping for 1.5 hours longer than usual. He also practised saying "Happy Birthday" at regular intervals, very cute.
I'd write more but I'm reaaaally tired; I'll try and check in again soon. (Just been mostly skimming recently, a lot has been going on.) Have good rest-of-weekends!
t snuggles Trudy right back
I guess at this point that it's belated Happy Birthday for Fiona where she's at. But Happy, Happy!