No, I meant talking about it too, Erika! For some authors and other artists, particularly of the bohemian equation [edit: bohemian equation? I mean "persuasion" obv.], talking about how broke you are and how scandalously little you make from your art is part of the persona. (Which makes it a bit awkward when they actually start making money!)
Completely agree about debt being a taboo for the rest of us though.
Interestingly enough, some economists are starting to make noise that the American consumer has taken about as many of those 0% deals that are possible, and are now leveraged to the hilt. And since consumer spending has been what has been fueling the recovery, it should (in theory) hit a wall soon...
No, I meant talking about it too, Erika! For some authors and other artists, particularly of the bohemian equation [edit: bohemian equation? I mean "persuasion" obv.], talking about how broke you are and how scandalously little you make from your art is part of the persona. (Which makes it a bit awkward when they actually start making money!)
It seems like even with them, though, the line is "I'm so broke that they turned off my heat" or "I'm so broke that I'm living on ramen." Admitting to debt means admitting to buying things, which is pretty close to admitting to materialism, which is a rather unBohemian quality.
(Which makes it a bit awkward when they actually start making money!)
FWIW, that's a stigma I'm willing to live with.
Aussies ... obsessively fixate on your tv guide.
should be starting on Channel 9 real soon!
t /Eternal Optimist
Seriously, I just noticed 9 start screening
Birds of Prey
on Wednesday at 11:30PM, so I'm thinking Firefly won't be far behind -- they'll probably screen it after they run out of BoP eps. :)
they'll probably screen it after they run out of BoP eps. :)
Which means ... don't blink.
my thoughts exactly ... though I just realised there were more episodes than I thought. According to Imdb they made 13 eps before the cancellation but I thought it was only 5 or 6.
Oh and if we needed any more proof of how fucked channel 7 has become; they throw
on at 10:30PM and
The Chronicle
on at 11:30PM but they've brought back repeats of
Tour of Duty
at 9:30PM. Fuck knows what's up with that shit!
Firefly should be starting on Channel 9 real soon!
Yeah, I think I'm firmly in the 'I'll believe that when I see it' camp. But one can hope.
Timelies, Un-Americans!
Shout out to Angus: You were in my dream this morning! We were neighbors, and I was waiting for you to return from a trip. As soon as I heard your dance music, I bopped over to your place, and we sat around bullshitting. It was such a pleasant dream. Thanks for being there.