I know Merrick & Russo by their names, but I think they were on triple J before I was welcomed to the beautiful 80's-rock-free fold after an unfortunate summer of AC/DC speckled listening. I'm overly fond of Adam & Will, though. I don't know what I'd do without them some mornings (no, wait, I *do* know--it's called sleeping in and missing all my lectures).
They were pretty boring. But they showed a clip of John Ritter's appearance as Ted on Buffy during his memorial montage/tribute, and I squealed like the little piggy fangirl that I am.
Heh. Me too. Well, there wasn't squealing per se. There was internal squealing. On another Emmy's note, I can't believe Six Feet Under got so many nominations and then didn't win a single thing. I'm not a big SFU fan, but...jeeze, all the awards went to the really, really safe choices this year. Though I'm glad Debra Messing won, since her dress was the only one that didn't make my eyeballs itch and that sort of thing should really be rewarded.
I'm overly fond of Adam & Will, though.
See, there's that earliness factor again. Plus my growing dislike of Wil based on entirely unfounded rumours and too many live performances in which he's repeated jokes as if they were new material, which is a totally unfair reason to dislike a comedian since they ALL do it, but for some reason it irritates me more with him and now my sentence is done.
Though I'm glad Debra Messing won, since her dress was the only one that didn't make my eyeballs itch and that sort of thing should really be rewarded.
Oh yeah. I'm not a particular fan of hers, but she looked utterly lovely.
Also? I'm really, really looking forward to Monk.
Plus my growing dislike of Wil based on entirely unfounded rumours and too many live performances in which he's repeated jokes as if they were new material, which is a totally unfair reason to dislike a comedian since they ALL do it.
Yeah, not a big fan of his live stuff, really (I've only seen in him those charity things they show on Ten, though, so I'm no judging on an extensive viewing or anything). He seems really uncomfortable, and rote. But the banter he and Adam get going in the morning is hilarious--very spontaneous and non-irritating.
Also? I'm really, really looking forward to Monk.
Mmm, are we going to get it here, do you think? An emmy for the lead actor can only help, but who knows? I am really pleased that we're going to see Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, though. It'll be interesting to see what the general Oz public thinks of it, but the state of tv at the moment indicates that we'll watch anyone do over anything, so I'm not too worried. (Whether they can pull off the proposed Aussie version is another question altogether.)
It wouldn't work in Melbourne; straight men have better taste than gay men here!
straight men have better taste than gay men here!
Typical Melbourne, ruining perfectly good stereotypes.
M&R started on JJJ as a fill-in while Roy & H.G. were on holiday and from the moment I first heard them, until this very day, I've never found them funny. They sure as hell belong more on commercial radio/TV than JJJ ... though in truth, they belong under a slab of concrete. Adam is good and Will is okay and as a morning team they're not bad but I still miss Helen and Mikey. Hell, I miss Maynard!
Leigh ...
debuts on 10, 7:30PM this Saturday. Oh and keep your eye out for an email that tells you where to put that tiny shaking fist!
It wouldn't work in Melbourne; straight men have better taste than gay men here!
It must be like toilets spinning the other way.
Think Farscape
Out of morbid curiousity, how did they treat Farscape?
Ken ... although Channel 9 were co-producers of the show it took them ages to finally screen the series. What then followed was a fiasco of randomly moving the show to different days and/or timeslots, or taking it off the air without warning, then returning it at a later date, also without warning. They also heavily censored some episodes b/c at one point they were screening them at 5PM on a Saturday afternoon. As far as I'm aware, they never even broadcast every episode of the seasons they did bother to broadcast.