Penny, yeah, it all seems up in the air as to what happens -- interviews with the producers seem to be hinting that they'll pitch a successor series if SMG doesn't decide to re-up.
Seven years is a really long time in the life of an actor to play the same role, even for a really well-written show. It must be hell to be a good actor and buried alive on something like, um,
Seventh Heaven
(or any long-running but insipid show whose name I can't think of right now).
So there are two things you can do: either cling to the idea that Joss in his heaven will make all right with the Buffyverse, and leave it at that; or hope that your favourite character gets to lead the spin-off.
And pray that 'Ripper' (or possibly 'Watcher', it isn't final yet) does go ahead. A British series starring ASH would be wonderful!
Hi Penny! Good to see another Brit here.
Yeah, Jim is currently the
UnAmerican to have seen episodes from S7/4 and Firefly, so the man has to taunt us by posting spoilery white-fonted stuff which we shouldn't highlight and can't discuss. But next week I will probably join him (hee hee, gloat taunt).
hee hee, gloat taunt
Then you will join the ranks of evil whitefont posters, who must be burned at the stake and stabbed with sharp pointy things. And possibly staked, beheaded, diced and cut up into lots of little finger food sized pieces.
I should be working - shouldn't anyone else be working or are you all free from such drudgery?
Work? What's that work thing you're talking about? I'm going to have to go to the dictionary to look it up.
I'm going to have to go to the dictionary to look it up.
Might that not be a little inclinded towards actually doing something, which is the point of work?
Dictionary and language in general are very much fun IMO (as long as homework is not involved, of course). YDMV.
I like them normally. They just seem a bit unslothful- mind you, I regard fic writing as slothful, even though I just finished the first draft of a 225! page epic. Which I now think I don't like, but there.
British Buffistas! Did anyone just watch the repeat of Life Serial?Wasn't Giles amazing? And I loved the demon-kitten-poker. I didn't see it the first time round, on Sky One.
or hope that your favourite character gets to lead the spin-off
That's what I'm doing. Here's hoping for
Dawn The Vampire Slayer,
season one...