Was that the one with the dead-Santa story? Bastards.
No that was Gremlins. And it was a dead-Daddy dressed as Santa found stuck in the chimney story.
If only everything had been as over the top (the kitchen scene, the bar scene and the movie theater scene were the only other ones worthy of it) it would have been as great as the sequel (where Phoebe had another horrendous holiday story that got cut off midway through).
Sorry. There seems to be some confusion here. Both the Goonies and Gremlins are absolute classics - the Goonies wasn't matched for splendour until POTC - you must be thinking of other films.
Gremlins yes, The Goonies NSM.
The Explorers
is an unheralded gem from around the same era.
Heh, I seriously just found my 'review' of The Goonies (ah, trusty computers--you only lose what I will actually need) which it turns out, I apparently wrote in grade seven not nine (I'm kinda worried about my memory at the moment--my ninth grade English teacher would have an aneurysm at the thought of teaching on a film containing the mere mention of pirates and/or their treasure). It seems I got very prissy about it's believability and all the screaming. I'm tempted to post bits, but I can't get it to copy/paste properly for some reason.
The Explorers
Is that the one with River Phoenix in it? And they go to space and there are bizarre aliens who've learnt everything they know about humans from TV?
I love the two Gremlins movies, or at least I did when I was younger. I haven't seen them in a while. I once tried to teach my budgie to whistle Gizmo's tune.
The Goonies is a classic. A CLASSIC, I TELL YOU. It is the cheesiest, greatest, funnest thing ever.
(Edited because os and es are not interchangeable.)
The funniest thing from either of the Gremlin movies was the Smart!Gremlin with the glasses and the snooty accent. So. Funny. I don't want to watch them again because I'm happy with my remembered adoration.
Is that the one with River Phoenix in it? And they go to space and there are bizarre aliens who've learnt everything they know about humans from TV?
That's the one! The movie Joe Dante did between Gremlins and Innerspace. :)
Also happened to be Ethan Hawke's first movie.
Smart!Gremlin with the glasses and the snooty accent.
Voiced by Tony Randall, no less. I like 2 better than the original, because they didn't even try to make it serious and just went for the gags. And John Glover as a benevolent cross between Ted Turner and Donald Trump was a riot as well.
Accord permits generic drugs
US pharmaceuticals lose monopoly rights
The World Trade Organisation yesterday sealed its agreement to allow poor countries to import cheap copies of patented drugs to fight killer diseases such as Aids, malaria and tuberculosis.
Eta, the agreement is not without it's critics however ...
The accord, hammered through the WTO's 146-member executive General Council, seeks to reassure patent-owning multinational firms their rights will be protected, while helping poor states fight diseases that kill millions each year, mainly in Africa.
"Today's WTO agreement that is ostensibly intended to get drugs to the poorest countries does not provide a workable solution," Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF, Doctors without Borders (news - web sites)) and Oxfam said in a joint statement.
from yahoo article