Sean, you there? Grab that one, wouldja?
Whee! More the merrier. I saw so much more in Firefly than Buffy--
No, start at the beginning. Buffy was so innovative and fresh and had such a punch when it started, and it kept getting better. And then the strain started to show, the effort of keeping it good. The show outgrew the premise and had to search and fumble a bit for the next thing, and by the time it had settled into it, it wasn't, somehow, as shiny anymore. But hey! There was Angel, and it was gawky and new and fresh and wow, they were doing some mighty interesting and innovative stuff there, and ...
like that. Both shows, better than anything else (I watched, anyway) on tv, but not as full of newness, that fresh energy, that can't-wait-to-see-where-it-goes-next feeling. And Firefly had that. Plus, it was grownups. And it was premises that were done to death, old-hat, cliched, more than one of them, one would think unmixy. But put them in a magic box and shake them up, let Joss give them an oblique twist, and hey! Firefly. Everything about it clicked. Even starting with The Train Job, even shuffled airing order, it caught me first episode. Even the western-speak and the theme music.
The best thing on tv since Farscape.
Yeah, I'm still bitter.
(sets carafe on table with clean glasses)
Help yourselves. House red. Cheap, but tasty.
Yeah, I'm still bitter.
Yeah. Firefly didn't hurt as much as Farscape: I didn't grow inside the characters, didn't have time, but bitter? Definitely.
Ahh.. but bitter looks good on you Beverly. I hear it's the new black :)
Buffy was so innovative and fresh and had such a punch when it started, and it kept getting better. And then the strain started to show, the effort of keeping it good.
This is where I do my whole, "Joss was in love with MummyBuffy and when things were good they were very very good but then Daddy fell in love with AuntieFirefly. And he was happy. And we all rejoiced, for it was good." song and dance routine, right?
Which is to say, yeah, what you said. With bells on.
I'm just happy someone loves Baby Angel, because it's been smoking this season.
UnAmerican Tease! :)
waiting for the most recent three and just can't wait for the BDE
(BTW, Julie, have I told you lately, or at all, that I love you?)
Hey, any season with half-nekkid AD is good by me.
(BTW, Julie, have I told you lately, or at all, that I love you?)
No! And personally, I think it should be your tag line :)
Hey, any season with half-nekkid AD is good by me.
Is this a good time to tell you that all I want for my birthday is the expurgated Angel aka "Adventures of a boy and his motorcycle"
Reel to Reel scruffy!Wes. No context required, baybeee
Reel to Reel scruffy!Wes. No context required, baybeee
You should see my obsessive fangirl infamous movie collection
Context? Plot?
I have a vast AD movie collection. 99% pure crap, but hell, there's always the mute button.