Julie ... what Jim said. I write and say "Oz" frequently but then I have a horrible habit of shortening names.
Plus! I was irreprapblye parabola irreparably damaged by going to the cinema and seeing
when I was about 12.
This was a mid-70s Australian version of the Wizard of Oz.
I thought it was also supposed to reflect native pronounciation, since several Australians have corrected me when I've begun the name with the same sound as in Austria.
A stop under the Pentagon in Washington.
Of course, we also have things like the stop marked "zoo" actually being farther away from the zoo than the Cleveland Park stop, and an uphill walk besides. On the other hand, taking the zoo stop to ge to the zoo is a mistake you only make once.
I just popped some hot cross buns in the oven. Perfect late-night snack! I wish you could get them all year round.
Something tells me Americans don't do hot cross buns. Is that right? They have cinnamon in them, so I'd think you would be all over them. (Then again, because they already have cinnamon in them, you can't ruin them by adding cinnamon, so perhaps they don't appeal.)
I appreciate the support.
Yeah a Pentagon stop is pretty neat. To reach the castle you have to walk -across an open eplanade in full view of snipers archers. Only one bus goes anywhere near for all the other bus routed I/you have to cross the lake.
Edit:Lochs and Lakes are distinctly different entities.
I've seen hot cross buns at some bakeries. I don't think I've ever eaten one, though.
We don't really do hot cross buns outside of the baby-song version, though I'm sure I've seen them. Cinnamon rolls/buns, yes.
True, true--Pentagon stop. And the next stop after that is "Pentagon City"--a ginormous mall. :)
I'm sure we must have something similar to hot cross buns, except I'm not sure what they actually are--cinnamony? We have cinnamon rolls...
We had them 'round Easter. I saw some for sale at Costco Saturday, so I assume someone still eats them.
The place just hangs there above the city the whole time.
I am a fantastic tour guide.
Edit: By invitation only.