There's a lot of snobbery value attached to Shakespeare's plays and Homer's poetry, even to Dickens' novels, but let's not lose sight of the fact that this stuff was all pop culture.
This is the most intelligent point I’ve read anybody make so far –on the whole board...ever. IMO
The rest of the article is very good aswell.
Edit: 1/2 a mo while I go back and read through again.
scuttles off back to the top of the page
Sorry babe, I like to chat. In conversation a person can only make one point at a time. I have to switch mode for articles. {scuttles}
I think what I am doing is sgreeing with your overall point which is -unless I'm mistaken -don't knock Buffy you snobs cos in 100 years your descendents are going to writing compulsory essays about her...Shakepear is GOOD.
Did I get it?
No, glad you liked it - I'm just embarrassed because I thought if I nipped back and tweaked it nobody would have seen the earlier (very nearly identical) version. Must stop compulsively polishing posts.
Must also get the hell on with work. Right. Good. Yes.
Yeah, I was pretty much saying that! Not that people here
cultural snobs, afaik, so I'm little miss PreachToTheChoir.
OK, I will go and reread.
Shakespear IS good.
From my perspective the geeky & overeducated shared unhealthy anorakish obsession enthusiasm for the Joss shows
Uh, Fay love.
This board needs emoticons...I am blushing.
I'll just point out that I am not the one who introduced the show, nor am I the obssesive compulsive DVD collector.
Edit: I am the deranged fangirl.
t /proclamation