Oh, I see, I made it sound like all cars? That wasn't what I meant. I was trying feebly to tie into Gar's post, because he's so much smarter than me it's not funny. It's too late for me to be posting.
And I guess if there's people who Take This Place Seriously, us folks who are here just to have a little fun sometimes will sometimes rattle their chains a little. I guess I just sort of lost a lot of respect for the whole ME as modern mythology thing when I watched the panels from BtVS and Angel at the Museum of TV and Radio. Aside from Joss, the actors really couldn't remember minor character names, plotlines, points, philosophies, etc. They were laughing at each other's mistakes and relied on Joss and the writers to correct their own. Joss himself would admit how much stuff was made up on the fly, or because an actor was unavailable, or an effect was too expensive. He took the Buffyverse sort of seriously but he was making fun of it at the same time. He would answer the more geeky hardcore audience questions with jokes and an implication that you shouldn't worry too much about the shows, just sit back and enjoy them. At least that's what I got out of them. I saw a bunch of hardworking talented young people, some bright, some sort of dim, all relaxed and well-dressed and bubbly, most of them just unknown actors who were grateful for their break but not hoping making a career out of it nor giving signs that they'd thought very deeply about their characters like the fans had. It sort of rubbed off on me.