UK/Canadian Mars Bars are like USian Milky Way bars, only better.
US Mars Bars are like (Canadian) Mars with Almonds, but they seem to have been rebranded Snickers With Almonds.
But (US) Snickers With Almonds have caramel, and (US) Milky Way bars don't. Do UK/Canadian Mars Bars have it?
But (US) Snickers With Almonds have caramel, and (US) Milky Way bars don't. Do UK/Canadian Mars Bars have it?
US Milky Ways have caramel. Three Musketeers don't.
Edit: and UK/Canadian Mars Bars are Milk Chocolate, Nougat, and Caramel. Like US Milky Ways, but slightly maltier in the Nougat.
I can also go off at length about Caramilk vs. Caramello, although I think Caramilks, at least in Canada, have been reformulated and now taste like Caramellos.
Err. Damn. Not that I have any weird obsessive candy thing going on here...
US Milky Ways have caramel. Three Musketeers don't.
Oh! Right. I got them mixed up.
Damn you all!!! Now I'm so craving a milky way....or a snickers....
I hear that in Australia, Mars Bars are known as "Cloud 9." That's my unamerican factoid for the day.
Never heard of, or seen, a "Cloud 9" but I do know USian chocolate is not well regarded in Oz. Hershey have tried to get a foot-hold over here but have never done much. To bitter for the majority of Aussie palates.
Someone should figure out how to deep fry a smore.
and (US) Milky Way bars don't.
Yes they do. It's Three Musketeers that don't have the caramel.
(x-post, obviously.)
The dark chocolate Milky Ways are really quite good. The nougat is different than the regular MW.
FTR ... standard Aussie Mars Bars are caramel and nougat surrounded by milk chocolate and there is also an almond version.
OK, just so I've got this straight:
nougat surrounded by milk chocolate = US Three Musketeers
nougat and caramel surrounded by milk chocolate = US Milky Way = UK (etc.) Mars Bar
nougat and caramel and peanuts surrounded by milk chocolate = US Snickers
nougat and caramel and almonds surrounded by milk chocolate = US Snickers With Almonds = UK (etc.) Mars Bar With Almonds
I think we've also got a dark chocolate Milky Way.
We also have a Snickers which is the same as the US Snickers from the sound of it.
And we have a Milky Way which sounds the same as the US Three Musketeers.
I think Australian chocolate bars are generally identical to UK ones, except that the UK ones are much, much nicer. The chocolate is creamier for a start. If anyone I know is going to the UK I always ask them to bring back Mars bars and Cadbury Dairy Milk.
Nou, it sounds as though you're the victim of a campaign to spread misinformation about Australia!