Whoa. I'm feeling uneducated, and I'm arrogant enough that's hard to do. I'm listening with fascinated half-comprehension.
I just found the following in a blog:
the "English dessert or STD?" game beloved by generations of Americans at Oxford. Examples: spotted dick? treacle?
I'm sorry, Betsy. I'm using a lot of shorthand for bigger arguments, and I should definitely either delineate them or wait for my head to clear before trying to discuss them.
Hayden, no need for apology. The fault is in the reader, not the writer. I mean that.
The sidelines are very nice at this time of year, aren't they?
wrod. No hotdog for me, thanks - although popcorn would be acceptable.
I appear to be developing a crush on moonlit. I may even indulge in a spot of Cordy-esque cheerleading.
the "English dessert or STD?" game beloved by generations of Americans at Oxford. Examples: spotted dick? treacle?
Ah, British food. Such evocative names. Bubble and Squeak. Toad-in-the-hole. Ploughman's Lunch. Shepherd's Pie. Flies' Graveyards.
I appreciate it, Betsy, but feel that when a reader as smart as you is having some difficulty in following the arguments, the fault must be with the writer. I still think it's because I'm using shorthand, and promise to try to draw some of the arguments out better in the future. The problem with shorthand, like with any code, is always the frame of reference, and each of us has a unique one of those, so I'll shoot for a bit more specificity for general consumption.
I appear to be developing a crush on moonlit. I may even indulge in a spot of Cordy-esque cheerleading.
plus check out the gallery. she's purty.
fans self
Holy mother of foamosity, Batman! (And indeed, there seem to be a whole bunch of pics that have been added since last I visited. Pretty pretty people.)
Ah, British food. Such evocative names. Bubble and Squeak. Toad-in-the-hole. Ploughman's Lunch. Shepherd's Pie. Flies' Graveyards.
Every bit as tasty as they sound.
Shepard pie isn't bad. Have not tried the rest. Also, so many people have said horrible things about Haggis, that if I ever get the chance I will try one just to see. Some people have tried to scare me about the ingredients, but knowing what is in regular sausages, and worse what is in American hot dogs (which I love) I don't see how oatmeal and sheep this and that is any worse than cornmeal or wheat flour and pig or cow this and that. (Not being more specific, for the sake those with delicate sensitivities. There must be one or two on this board.)