Gar, no, I'm in SF now, but I lived in Portland for 4 years in the early 90s.
And yes, the counties pick up the slack in the West and South for functions the towns and cities do in the Northeast. I didn't even know what county I lived in when I was growing up, as the only function it serves in Massachusetts has to do with the court system. Bizarre.
I didn't have counties growing up!
Nutty, we still have county sherriffs.
All of the above is why the whole world should fit between Boston and New York. If you can't get to it in 4 hours and/or on an interconnected set of train and public transity systems, why bother??
It doesn't?
We were too poor for counties. We just had rocks.
My best friend, who's Canadian, laughed and laughed when I happened to mention that we elect the County Sheriff in these parts. She thought it sounded like something straight out of the old west.
Here there are counties, cities, towns, unincorporated areas, incorporated areas which aren't technically towns (it's weird). No snow so no worries about snow plows. Because of the unincoporated areas my city is the only town/city in the county. However lots of people live in unincoporated areas in the county, or just outside the city limits. Occasionally there's a push to incoporate more areas into the city but I think the las time that happened the area voted down joining the city.
I don't live in the city, I live in the county, but all my mail has the city's address on it. Plus in one direction I'm about a quarter of a mile from the city. In the other direction, I'm at least 5 miles. Well, if you are following the one road I live off of.
The city wasn't interested in a lot of the area between here and the city limit 6 or so miles up because it wasn't developed, but now it is so I'm sure in a few years there will be a push to expand the city limits.
Both the city police and county sheriffs offices are located in the city, in fact they used to be within walking distance of each other.
Word. All that unincorporated land. I had to move to Oregon before I learned there was such a thing as unincorporated land.
Until about 10 years ago, my parents lived in Unincorperated King County (southwest of Seattle by about 10 miles). IIRC, there's still a smidge of UKC about three miles from me, just on the Seattle border, and no-one wants to claim it, because it hasn't any sewer lines.
This is so weird to a Western NYer, as my area is filled with ________-_______ Town Line Roads. Like, I can think of abut 25 off the top of my head.
Next time a right wing fox news type accuses anti-war USrs of being unpatriotic:
Note that even after he gave out the information on national TV, Fox begged the Pentagon to let Geraldo stay. God forbid they should put the lives of our soldiers above ratings.
The Boswash megalopolis!!
Heh. I grew up on the north end of it, currently living on the south end of it. Two different worlds.
6 hours between cities - changes the angle on the American "love affair" with cars/oil/gasoline a bit, doesn't it?