Yep, Brenda. The only reason it's useful to know exact positions is for questions about borders. Like, I'd have some difficulty saying offhand which countries share a border with Afghanistan. (I know Pakistan, obviously, and Iran, but I'd at least have to think about the others.)
t edit
Of course being a Virgo I checked. It's Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and little bits of China (that's actually the one I was wondering about) and India (Kashmir?).
Here we go (it's surprising how tough it was to Google these): South-East Asia, Africa, and a Name that State game, which is (IMHO) harder than the drag-and-drop ones.
Um, yeah. I'm procrastinating.
basically Angus, all the 'stans plus China and Iran.
Cindy, Bahrain was the almost invisible island dot just above Qatar.
The only atlas I have to hand still lists Czechoslovakia, Ceylon, the Belgian Congo, and Italian East Africa.
x-post with Angus himself.
Queensland goes on top, right? :-)
Now I feel better. 120 on SE Asia (out of 130). I'll go back and do Africa later.
120 out of 130 on Southeast Asia!
YUp Queensland is the one that sticks up to a point on the east side.
Now I feel better. 120 on SE Asia (out of 130).
I'm glad to have linked something that made you happy, brenda. For the record, I got 45 out of 130. I am ignorant.
Perfect score on SE Asia! Go me!
I got Niger and Mauritania switched on the N. Africa test. I like N. Africa, because not so much with the name changes. My geography is stuck in the mid-80s.
The rest, I suspect, I'll not do so well on.