I dunno, Penny. They seem to be acting like a mall owner, not the bad guys themselves.
EBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove said CompAtlanta was the only eBay merchant he knew of that is boycotting buyers for reasons related to the war. He said sellers can decide with whom they want to do business, but eBay frowns on posting overtly political messages. Pursglove said eBay ordered CompAtlanta to remove the auction item and to modify its message to bidders from Canada, Mexico, France and Germany.
Sure, that's not the most effective thing to do, but I don't see eBay as being at fault.
Okay, maybe I'm overreaacting, but I think Ebay should brand that jerk on the shoulder with an "A" for asshole. I'm so fucking sick of U.S. interests threatening economic ruin to Canada every few months.
And some eBay vendors selling such items as Saddam Hussein "terrorist hunting licenses"
This, squicks me. I dun like it.
I know it's supposed to be funny or whatever. But it's all some people need.
I promise I'll always accept Canadian cash. I'll want 50% more, but I'll accept it.
Also, this wasn't a government thing. It was a random asshole. Got those in Canada, too. I know. My aunt is married to one.
When the White House press secretary makes on the record statements encouraging people to attempt assasinations, the ebay kitsch doesn't even register with me.
True, and when the U.S. ambassador to Canada makes vague threats, I guess I should be surprised when some random jerk takes the same tone.
So, Buffy is a pretty cool show, eh?
(Of course, I can only handle war news for about an hour at a time,but...I didn't know that. Doesn't seem very responsible, to say the least.
Yeah, it was a few months back. His comments included something about the price of a one-way ticket and a bullet.
(He's "clarified" by saying he was only making a rhetorical point - that a bullet doesn't cost near as much as a "one-way ticket", i.e., exile.
Ari Fleischer told CNN he was making a "rhetorical point" on the cost of a possible war and his comments were not meant to send signals to the Iraqi people.
However, Fleischer said, "no one would shed a tear" if the Iraqi people took the matter of Saddam into their own hands.