Of course, in your depraved slash-world the fact that a pair of effete men swan around oxford all day feeding each other strawberries and swapping silk shirts means they must be making the best with one back and a peculiar-shaped middle, but that's just speculation...
Well, naturally. I mean, a man and a vampire sharing a basement for a couple of days does, so why not that?
By the way:Ah, cute!
I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but I'm finding it quite amusing anyway. It's kind of fun.
Brideshead Revisited,
Actually, I seem to remember having a conversation in
Grade 7,
when the TV series came out, along the lines of "So Antony Blanche is
gay, but Charles and Sebastian are a little bit gay too, right?"
So it was obvious even to an 11 year old.
Oh right, like you've never fucked your teddy bear.
For example: they were so.
(My links list is starting to scare me.)
There's Brideshead Revisited fan fic?
And that, apperently, is the sequel. (Though the author's notes do include the phrase "Of course, I'd still adore having some BR fic by someone else to read. . . *cough* *hint* *cough*." Just to reassure you. Or something.)