comment by amych in the Buffy thread re: final scene that I really agreed with.
Wrod. I (spoiler for comment, and this may be going overboard with the whitefonting)
don't know Hamlet as well as I know some other Shakespeare plays, but that's a very apt comparision. The staginess didn't get to me until a third or fourth re-watch, though, due to the completely-wrapped-up-in-Spike thing I have going.
Serial: x-posty in a major way with Kate's post saying she's gone.
Holy shit. This show is so fucking good. I didn't cry, but I can fully understand why you would.
Glad you liked it Kate. And the fact that
I am still here
to see you post about it reminds me that I should bloody well go to bed now!
I think I did, the first time. There aren't many TV shows that can make me cry. But that final, ultra-dramatic shot? Had me. Totally.
No! Stay and talk to me! ...Or, um, go to bed and sleep like a halfway-normal person. Your choice.
But that final, ultra-dramatic shot? Had me. Totally.
I WAS SPOILED FOR THAT SHOT! Argh! I was so mad. (OTOH, I now think I've seen everything I've been spoiled for, which is good.) My mother, well-meaning as always, sent me a package here at my friend's house in which she included an article about Spike that she'd cut out of the newspaper, must've been the Boston Globe. I tried to resist, I really did... but of course, my Buffy-starved self couldn't hold out, and I read the article. In which the final scene of this ep was described, especially the final shot. And then I kicked myself. Grr, argh.
Oh! That's a shame- it does take some of the power out of it. But even so- pretty powerful, huh?
Not talking about Spike.
Gammon with honey and pineapple.
Am-Chau, by this you mean bacon, right? Cured pork? I've never heard the word "gammon" except as part of a children's song, and as the name of one of the crazy lady's sparrows in
Bleak House.
I got into a wicked argument with my prof over whether the bird was named after the children's song. Anyway, do modern unAmericans use "gammon" all the time?
Actually, I think I started crying about a third of the way through the scene. By the end I was absolutely sobbing, almost uncontrollably, more than I can remember doing ever for Buffy except at the end of Becoming, the first dozen or so times
t grin.
But I tend to do that these days whenever something makes me cry. Not to overshare, but I think I have some banked-up tears from my Mum's death two years ago, my illness last year, etc etc etc.