Hey, don't knock the Pie Floater. There was nothing better after a night on the grog, than to stop at the legendary pie cart out front of the Adelaide Train Station and slurp back a floater! Though there does tend to be an ick factor when the inexperienced are involved.
Plus, let's not forget that Giles likes mushy peas -- which is what the pea soup is, in reality.
So, what's the American dish that unAmericans utterly fail to get the point of? Do you guys know the dubious glory of "Jell-O Salad"?
No but my mother used to make a Tuna Mousse, which was more disgusting than it sounds.
Kate P. I'm taping and I'm sure we'll be able to sort out a viewing - maybe in exchange for a peek at a certain tattoo ;)
The best are those gelatin recipes from the '40s and '50s. Looking through old women's magazines for a project, I found dozens of variations of "Disolve 1 envelope Knox's gelatine in water. Mix in mayonnaise. Pour into mold. Let partially set. Stir in cooked chopped chicken, chopped celery, and chopped carrots. Let set." One concluded with, "slice and serve on Wonder Bread with mayonnaise."
The best are those gelatin recipes from the '40s and '50s.
I maintain that the worst recipe of all time, anywhere on earth, is the "salad" made of lemon jello and corned beef.
I think spearmint milk has to be one of the most disgusting concoctions you Aussies have ever come up with
Is there a whole range of milk flavors in Oz?
"Disolve 1 envelope Knox's gelatine in water. Mix in mayonnaise. Pour into mold. Let partially set. Stir in cooked chopped chicken, chopped celery, and chopped carrots. Let set." One concluded with, "slice and serve on Wonder Bread with mayonnaise."
Yet ANOTHER righteous reason for the civil rights movement. We could NOT leave those people in charge of everything.
Another recipe from those magazines was "Man-Style Macaroni." It was basically macaroni and cheese, but it had several hot dogs sliced in half lengthwise and laid on top, and one hot dog stuck into the middle, pointing straight up, with a little flag on a toothpick stuck in the end. It was from an ad for cheese, I think, and the ad copy read something like, "A macaroni dish even the men and boys in your life will love!" In addition to the picture of the macaroni, there was a picture of a guy with a fork in his mouth and a huge grin.
I've been amusing myself on lileks.com most of the afternoon.
Weiners make food macho.