I agree with Billytea's suggestions, especially Randolph Stow if you can find anything by him (unlikely even in Australia)...
This is true; but it can be done. And if you do come up with a selection and are having trouble finding it, I'm sure we'd be happy to help track it down for you. (I found and bought both
The Merry Go Round in the Sea
and his Miles Franklin winner
To the Islands
while here in the States, and had them shipped over.)
I'm already in love with The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea and it looks like I can order it through Bookfinder.com or even Half.com, but I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say anything at all, because these suggestions rock and I want you to keep 'em coming!
P.S. (Post serial!) I take it that the Miles Franklin Award is roughly equivalent to our National Book Award, Pulitzer or PEN awards?
Correct. It's our main national literary prize.
Also Powells tends to have really good selections - though prices tend to higher than half.com.
Yeah, we got a few of them too. No doubt the States have an even bigger population. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them really believe it as well.
I found that a much more charming idea before I knew about midi-chlorians, the Lucas version of predestination.
Now, I think people should register as Discordians.
I went down as 'other: pagan'. I was very tempted to put 'Jedi', but decided against it. Hadn't heard of Discordians then, of course.