Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


All Ogle, No Cash -- It's Not Just Annoying, It's Un-American

Discussion of episodes currently airing in Un-American locations (anything that's aired in Australia is fair game), as well as anything else the Un-Americans feel like talking about or we feel like asking them. Please use the show discussion threads for any current-season discussion.

Add yourself to the Buffista map while you're here by updating your profile.

bon bon - Feb 02, 2003 9:40:12 pm PST #1637 of 9843
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

I'm sure they trademarked that particular shape. One of the more ridiculous cases I ever came across was the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum trying to trademark the shape of their museum and preventing people from thereby selling pictures of the museum. I mean, it IS distinctive, but not for THAT purpose. They lost, thankfully.

Angus G - Feb 02, 2003 9:43:00 pm PST #1638 of 9843
Roguish Laird

Just a suggestion: I think the point about our undying love for the term "Unamericans" has been well and truly made by now.

evil jimi - Feb 02, 2003 9:43:26 pm PST #1639 of 9843
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

billytea ... thanks for that info. When I first heard about that "movie" it was in a documentary about the history of Aussie cinema. Sounds as though they painted it (pardon the pun :) as being more than it was in reality.

Oh and for info on that Coca Cola trademark fight, check out, [link] for the full, long, continuing story.

bon bon - Feb 02, 2003 9:47:27 pm PST #1640 of 9843
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

BTW, that Coke bottle thing is about copyright-- artistic creation-- not trademark. Coke will never lose the trademark on that bottle; they'd have to stop using it for many, many, many years.

billytea - Feb 02, 2003 9:55:26 pm PST #1641 of 9843
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

billytea ... thanks for that info. When I first heard about that "movie" it was in a documentary about the history of Aussie cinema. Sounds as though they painted it (pardon the pun :) as being more than it was in reality.

That's possible, though I'd say from the article that it certainly deserved to be in such a documentary. It was quite possibly a first of another description.

§ ita § - Feb 02, 2003 9:56:59 pm PST #1642 of 9843
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

that Coke bottle thing is about copyright-- artistic creation-- not trademark

Can a logo be an artistic creation too?

evil jimi - Feb 02, 2003 9:57:42 pm PST #1643 of 9843
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

BTW, that Coke bottle thing is about copyright-- artistic creation-- not trademark. Coke will never lose the trademark on that bottle; they'd have to stop using it for many, many, many years.

True, they never lost the trademark to the actual specifically shaped bottle but they did lose the copyright on the image of said specifically shaped bottle, thus losing the right -- according to that story -- to feature it on the cans and other packaging. Not an insignificant thing to happen.

evil jimi - Feb 02, 2003 10:02:14 pm PST #1644 of 9843
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

True enough billytea. I was going to edit and say something similar but instead I'll just say it here: regardless of whether it could be considered a true "movie" or not, it was still a great achievment for little old Australia.

btw ... "movie" was originally a disparaging term used by the residents of the town of "Hollywood" to describe those new-fangled nickolodeon folk. Most boarding houses and hotels refused rooms if you were a "movie". :)

bon bon - Feb 02, 2003 10:02:16 pm PST #1645 of 9843
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

Can a logo be an artistic creation too?

There's nothing preventing an image from being copyrightable and trademarkable though admittedly copyright is not something I know much about.

Min - Feb 02, 2003 10:39:37 pm PST #1646 of 9843
Is that Narrative Causality or Historical Imperative or just plain weird?

the origins of this thread go back to Table Talk

Sigh, thanks jimi, I fixed it. I was lurking back then, so my brain knows this. I was thinking it as I posted. And yet I still typed the wrong thing. No more posting on the run from work for me.

Just a reminder to the Aussies that the final three episodes of American Embassy will be airing on Wed, Thu and Fri.