Pardon me while I indulge in a minor rant:
What the hell is wrong with European binders? Is there a lack of advanced binder technology in Europe?? I mean, sure, use crazy sized paper. Use two hole punch instead of three, if that's what gets you jollies. But why the hell are their binders so damn complicated and USELESS??? Do they need to import some good American binders?? I mean, I might understand if ALL these binders were coming from Poland and Bulgaria, that maybe they're some weird communist leftovers or something, but these are from all over Europe! They're CRAZY! If I went to school over there, I would go MAD!
Sigh. I hate photocopying.
I mean, sure, use crazy sized paper.
Dude. You don't seriously mean A4, do you? You didn't just call the silver ratio crazy-sized?
I think she did, bt!
uhhh... what's the silver ratio?
yeah, I know the golden ratio, but not the silver.
UK paper sizes make sense. Can't comment on binder quality, since I never had a problem, but blessed be the A4, now and in perpetuity.
uhhh... what's the silver ratio?
The ratio given by the sides of an A4 piece of paper. It has the nifty property that if you cut the paper in half crossways, the sides of the new (half-sized) pieces of paper are in the same ratio.
IOW, if the A4 paper has sides of length A and B (210mm and 297mm respectively, FTR), and C is half the length of B, then the ratio A/B is the same as the ratio C/A.
Edit: And thus you have a whole 'A' series of paper. Sheets hald the size of A4 in the same proportion are A5, sheets twice the size of A4 are A3. And so on in both directions. The series starts at A0 (otherwise known as big honkin' sheets of paper), which is itself not arbitrary - the area of an A0 sheet of paper is 1 square metre.
On the plus side, in Europe they have these really cool paper-and-elastic portfolio thingys that I like. You can get them here, but they are hard to find and pricey.
They fit the funny-sized paper, or it fits them.
I agree, many Euro-binders are pretty crappy, a problem I feel is exacerbated by using a hole punch with only 2 holes so everything flops around. OTOH, many USian binders suck too.
sumi - you can look it up here:
Ireland Postal Service
I tried, but you have to have the complete address.
Okay, I went to that site - - is it the "where's your post office" area? Because I'm not finding a straight forward enter address - get postal code place.