But, but, but ... Yeah, I got nothing beyond that. But it's pretty!
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
mmmmmmm, I liked that very much.
Connie, we all know, rocks.
SA - I like your tag. Chris could be demonspawn1, except, last night he allowed as how I probably wasn't blessed with immaculate conception THREE times. He was the one and only.. which could say something frightening about how he views himself, couldn't it?
I just realised that the last story I wrote was 'Apt Pupil' and that was in fucking August. Man, I miss writing.
Then write something yourself, Elena. You always seem to have bunnies going spare.
It's good, connie. Well done.
Vamp!Willow/Drusilla in a moment.
I would, but my muse is fickle.
Here goes. Set in the Wishverse, roughly, without any actual canon to holt me, and I haven't seen the episode for a month or two. I think I've pretty much mucked it up but putting Dru in there anyway. No sex, because I can't write femslash sex, but the things you've expect with vampires: bloodplay, for example. I have no idea if this is in, or wildly out, of character for either of them.
I like the look of the Master’s latest. She has pretty red hair that flows like blood, and she likes to hurt Daddy. My Spike won’t like it, but he’s not the one Miss Edith wants to watch me with.
Firey one, she’s with Daddy now. She calls him Puppy, and she hurts him with her whole self. His cries are music, they make me want to sing along. Miss Edith and I stand in the doorway. She’s so confident he’ll scream: she’s right. Until, eventually, he faints from pain, and the game has to stop for a while.
When she steps away, I’m still in the doorway.
“It makes a lovely show,” I tell her. The blood is caking on her hands, and she licks it off slowly as she considers her reply. A clever one, this.
“I’m glad you liked it,” she smiles, her voice low to the edge of a purr. “It’s kinda fun.”
There’s a spatter of crimson on her face, drying to rusty brown. Her hand moves to rub it off, but I stop her just in time. “I want that.”
I look into her green eyes, and she steps closer to me. I nearly put my fingers to her soft cheek. Then I decide to be reckless. Slowly, I press my lips to the drops, flicking my tongue out to catch them. My Sire’s blood on her sweet skin is like fine wine, or magical lion’s blood.
When her face is clean, I move on, wanting to taste more of her- the blood in her mouth, the blood in her veins, her body. She starts to react, kissing me back, wrapping her arms around my waist.
In my ear, Miss Edith urges me on, making me slide into my true face and bite the girl’s lips, her tongue, her round nose.
Uncaring of who sees, we sink to the cold floor, determined to satisfy our hungers.
His cries are music, they make me want to sing along.
I like.
When her face is clean, I move on, wanting to taste more of her- the blood in her mouth, the blood in her veins, her body. She starts to react, kissing me back, wrapping her arms around my waist.
In my ear, Miss Edith urges me on, making me slide into my true face and bite the girl’s lips, her tongue, her round nose.
I like this maybe a little too much.
Very well done.
You know, I'm mistaken. The last thing I wrote was that gorram songfic, on Sept 7th. And since I forgot about it, I'm going to repost it. It's new to you....