he touched Eowyn's skin, he was always faintly surprised at the human roughness when his fingers expected elven silk.
Nice detail, and like Elena, I think
These were human hands, made for a human world. They held their own grace, a grace Aragorn could answer without feeling young and clumsy and tolerated.
Is a truth for him.
Goodness that was pretty.
And I've tried to tempt her with more bunnies.
Nooooo. She must finish Vamp!Giles.
But, but, but ... Yeah, I got nothing beyond that. But it's
mmmmmmm, I liked that very much.
Connie, we all know, rocks.
SA - I like your tag. Chris could be demonspawn1, except, last night he allowed as how I probably wasn't blessed with immaculate conception THREE times. He was the one and only.. which could say something frightening about how he views himself, couldn't it?
I just realised that the last story I wrote was 'Apt Pupil' and that was in fucking August. Man, I miss writing.
Then write something yourself, Elena. You always seem to have bunnies going spare.
It's good, connie. Well done.
Vamp!Willow/Drusilla in a moment.