I'll go you one better than that, Deb...the *criminals* aren't throwaways either...which is partially where "Blue" went wrong.(It pains me to say that like slagging a college friend, but mostly they did just kind of talk to Skel Number 5, Tough Guy No 4, Slutty Chick,and Rotten Parents. Oh, and the kind of Overtly Crazy people seldom seen in the wild.) Compare that to Vaughn Perkins...no contest.(He's the criminal but I remember his name, for one...keep coming back to that one, don't I?) But even his mom, who could have ended up being the same, well, "baby's mama" we've all seen bunches of times says "Can't none of y'all say I didn't love him." They came close to the Evil Mastermind Serial Killer thing in season 4 with that interstate sniper deal, and trying to make us think he caught Charisse G.(Pissed me off, and I sound like I'm trying to make a wiki with all these titles and junk, huh?) Of course, Charisse pisses me off anyway...rejecting Gee as often as she does, but those are my father issues and too big for this post.
'Same Time, Same Place'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Oh, my.
Crossposting with Great Write, because I am an excited woman.
Roz Kaveney had the livejournal "post something you'd like to do with me" meme, and I posted, "co-write something."
She said yes, please, in the short term, this is absolutely something we can do together. What follows:
Me: SQUEEE! I'm completely and totally open. Do you fancy a joint fic, or some genuine fiction together?
Roz: Yes, and yes. We should do a fic together as a way of finding out how collaboration between us works. How about post-Chosen, post S3 BtVS/Six Feet Under crossover?
We should try and write something serious together.
And FAY! When you pop in next, you must send Roz your Faith/Willow. It will make her week.
Good news on Roz, Deb. I hope we get to read the result!
Also, I posted Part One of this a long time ago, but here's part two:
Buffy Vs. The Justice League Part Two: Blue Moon
Willow and Xander fell instinctively behind Buffy, as the man in the cape walked cautiously toward them.
“Who are you,” said the man, “and what are you doing on the watchtower?”
“I’m sorry,” said Buffy. “I really don’t answer questions from guys in spandex. It always ends in heartache.”
“Y’know, Buff” said Xander, fidgeting. “Maybe we should back off, here. I mean, this really could be Batman.”
Buffy never took her eyes off the man in the cape, but Xander could feel the stare she would have shot him.
“I’m just saying,” he said.
“Fine,” said the man in the cape. “Let’s do this the hard way.”
The man in the cape lunged at Buffy, moving so fast that Buffy barely saw him pounce. She pivoted, grabbed his arm, and threw him toward a wall. But instead of crashing, the man rebounded off the wall, spun in the air, and landed on his feet, dropping a small capsule has he landed. Quickly, the room filled with smoke.
“Oooh,” said Buffy. “This is gonna be fun!”
Buffy closed her eyes, and tried to listen. She could feel Xander and Willow, behind her. Their hearts were racing. There was an almost imperceptible heat radiating from Willow. She was preparing to do something. Good. She couldn’t sense the…
Suddenly, there was a sudden movement beside her as a fist slammed against her head. She tried to dodge, but she wasn’t quick enough. She fell with a thud.
“Ow,” said Buffy, jumping immediately to her feet. “That hurt, you Wanna-Creature of the Night!” He was strong she thought, but definitely human.
“Fuck,” she said, under her breath. “But I don’t think I can spare the kid gloves.”
“Clear!” shouted Willow, and suddenly the smoke was gone. The man in the cape was startled, but recovered quickly. Not quick enough. Buffy landed a punch almost immediately, knocking him to the floor.
“Zip, pow, BAM!” she said. “Quick, Boy Wonder! To the Batcave!”
Buffy was on top of him, her knees locked around his torso, her hands pinning his arms down. He was immobilized.
“OK, caped crusader. Who are you.”
It was hard to discern an expression through the mask, but Buffy would swear that he was puzzled.
“I’m Batman,” he said. “I thought you knew.”
“”Beep, wrong answer,” said Buffy. “There is no Batman, except George Clooney in that sucky movie. No Batcave. No millionaire Bruce Wayne and his trusty, tight-pantsed ward.”
She could feel him tense beneath her.
“Buffy…” started Xander. Buffy began to look up, when suddenly she was ripped off of Batman by an unstoppable force.
It took Buffy a second to get her bearings, but when she did, she saw she was being held aloft by a muscular man in a blue leotard wearing a red cape.
“Oh, no,” she muttered. “Don’t tell me.”
“She’s not exactly the Joker, is she Batman.”
“Careful,” said Batman. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Superman,” said Buffy, beginning to laugh. “‘Look! Up in the Sky! It’s Superman!’ Superman?”
Buffy was guffawing now, laughing hysterically.
“And who, disguised as Clark Kent, fights a never ending battle for, mom, baseball and whatever, Superman.”
A horrified expression fell across Superman’s face, but Buffy just kept on laughing.”
“She knows…” started Superman.
“So it seems,” said Batman.
“Where’s Aquaman,” laughed Buffy, “off talking to the fish?”
The two super-heroes looked positively bewildered. Tentatively, Xander stepped forward.
“Uhm, hi. My name’s Xander. I, uhm, I think I can help.”
Love this, Victor. I hope we get more soon.
Two typos:
landed on his feet, dropping a small capsule has he landed.
“That hurt, you Wanna-Creature of the Night!”
Wanna be?
And suddenly Xander is the guy with the knowledge! Yay, Xander.
Heh. Lee catches me on this stuff all the time: the first is actual typo, the second is joke that's just not working. Will think of better Buffy banter there.
And suddenly Xander is the guy with the knowledge! Yay, Xander.
The idea of Xander being more Giles than Giles in the D.C. Universe seemed kind of fitting.
Alas, I suspect there will be no Nightwing, here.
It's a professional hazard I am afraid, Victor. I used to edit, and now I am expected to catch attorney typos.
Also, alas, Batman/Planetary had all the best Batman jokes.
Batman and Jakita Wagner exchange blows, and Batman pulls out two batarangs.
Jakita: Tell me you're single!
- ****
The Drummer: Look! There's some kind of transvestite hooker coming down the alley at us!
- *****
Elijah (to Jakita): You like him, don't you? He's your special bat friend.
and now I am expected to catch attorney typos.
Oooh. My sympathies. (:
OK, this is buggering annoying. Me and my research fetish. I'm working on a fic set in the Papal Court in 1498. I had a large role for the Swiss Guard. However, the Swiss Guard wasn't formed until 1506. I'd leave it as Swiss Guard, except I know that there's at least one other person out there who would go, "Stupid writer, you've got the Swiss Guard in there eight years too early, I cannot read this fic." Not nearly as fun, calling them Papal Guard.
such a first world problem.