"I Love Lucy" Nova. My personal pick for a show that everybody has seen one of.(at least in the US) You are actually probably a better person than I if this is not the case. I think you'll find that you'll love Homicide anyway. Most of the people involved compare the early eps to plays or movies. And later that season, you'll get "Three Men and Adena" that still blows my mind, six months later.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Oh, yeah. I used to watch that on Nick at Nite, when I was some age younger than ten.
I watched TV then. But it was mostly Nickelodean and The Disney Channel.
I hated it.
I much preferred Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke and Get Smart.
Well, yeah, I'd agree with that. And my own television viewing is way down in favor of internet and DVD.(I didn't even find Homicide till reruns(which it's not syndicated for anymore and DVD) And I think I was primed for the crime thing from early anyway. My mom read Wambaugh while she was pregnant with me. And if I or my brother cut up during "Hill Street Blues" we knew we would Get It.
"Three Men and Adena" was totally a play. Not as much as "Isaac and Ishmael" on WW, but you could very much put it on stage and have it work. You know, even beyond the being really good. Maybe it's that I've gotten used to really good tv, but I have no problem with not needing to compare really good tv to another medium to denote quality, which is, IME, what is often meant when people make those comparisons, you know?
(btw, Erika, have you gotten your toaster for me yet?)
I'm not sure I've ever seen an entire episode of ILL, though I have seen bits and pieces.
No, I haven't. Cool! The thing that blows me away about that episode is that I always feel like it's the first time. That *this* time it'll, um, turn out differently. Bayliss gets *so* close...I definitely feel there is a metaphor for life in that.(apart from my finding that devotion attractive and stuff, I mean) And once again, I prove that my interest in TV may well pass what's appropriate.
I only saw it once, but I can totally see it working that way. Kinda like some of the Angel stuff, where I sit there praying that it will turn out different because of all the stuff that spins out of it ("How different would life have been for these people if this one thing had turned out different").
AIAIK, as long as there's no stalking, it's not inappropriate. It's just that other people don't understand our more advanced ways.
Oh, sure, Claire thought, my mom wanted me to have an easy life and go to law school. Instead I’m trolling cemeteries at midnight.
Logan, never knowing when to quit, said “Ooh, Counselor. Is this a date?”
“Nope,” Claire said. “Strictly business.”
“That’s right...I’ve got the wrong diploma for you, don’t I, Kincaid?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh huh. So the rumor that you and McCoy have seen more than each other’s legal briefs...”
“Total slander....well, let’s find that mausoleum now.”
“Well, I guess you could do worse. And I *know* he has.”
“How do you know?”
“Eh, word gets around...people talk....it’s what we do for a living, Claire...oh, no, I broke a rule, calling you Claire, didn’t I?”
“It’s not a rule. It’s just...a policy. One that I’m suspending for right now. Mike. Let me out here.”
Claire strode determinedly up to the first crypt. Once she got there, she didn’t know what to do so she knocked tentatively. There were some things even the ADA’s office didn’t prepare one for. The door swung open and something furry brushed Claire’s leg. Involuntarily, she squeaked. “In my experience, love, the squeaking usually happens on the way out when they’re as pretty as you.”
I've never watched an entire episode of L&O, erika. Premise doesn't interest me, and I don't have cable.
I just never expect to have new readers. Or, hell, even old ones, with these mutant bunnies.
You are cute. But yeah, your stories would be easier to follow if you labeled each part with the fandoms, and maybe kept a web page with links to each section. I know I get lost trying to keep up.
And Fay, that was an awesome Faith voice. I am breathless.
“Total slander....well, let’s find that mausoleum now.”
Bwah! Great work, erika.
Hmm, I get some webspace free from my ISP. Feeling very strong "Should I stay or should I go?" feelings about that. Cause I'm not sure I want to be a Fandom Person that much...I started doing it, just hoping for one good story. And I got that, a couple times.But it has taken on a life of its own... I'm just not sure if I want to go with it or not. Thanks, sj. I really liked Claire a lot.