No, I haven't. Cool! The thing that blows me away about that episode is that I always feel like it's the first time. That *this* time it'll, um, turn out differently. Bayliss gets *so* close...I definitely feel there is a metaphor for life in that.(apart from my finding that devotion attractive and stuff, I mean) And once again, I prove that my interest in TV may well pass what's appropriate.
Tara ,'First Date'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I only saw it once, but I can totally see it working that way. Kinda like some of the Angel stuff, where I sit there praying that it will turn out different because of all the stuff that spins out of it ("How different would life have been for these people if this one thing had turned out different").
AIAIK, as long as there's no stalking, it's not inappropriate. It's just that other people don't understand our more advanced ways.
Oh, sure, Claire thought, my mom wanted me to have an easy life and go to law school. Instead I’m trolling cemeteries at midnight.
Logan, never knowing when to quit, said “Ooh, Counselor. Is this a date?”
“Nope,” Claire said. “Strictly business.”
“That’s right...I’ve got the wrong diploma for you, don’t I, Kincaid?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh huh. So the rumor that you and McCoy have seen more than each other’s legal briefs...”
“Total slander....well, let’s find that mausoleum now.”
“Well, I guess you could do worse. And I *know* he has.”
“How do you know?”
“Eh, word gets around...people’s what we do for a living, Claire...oh, no, I broke a rule, calling you Claire, didn’t I?”
“It’s not a rule. It’s just...a policy. One that I’m suspending for right now. Mike. Let me out here.”
Claire strode determinedly up to the first crypt. Once she got there, she didn’t know what to do so she knocked tentatively. There were some things even the ADA’s office didn’t prepare one for. The door swung open and something furry brushed Claire’s leg. Involuntarily, she squeaked. “In my experience, love, the squeaking usually happens on the way out when they’re as pretty as you.”
I've never watched an entire episode of L&O, erika. Premise doesn't interest me, and I don't have cable.
I just never expect to have new readers. Or, hell, even old ones, with these mutant bunnies.
You are cute. But yeah, your stories would be easier to follow if you labeled each part with the fandoms, and maybe kept a web page with links to each section. I know I get lost trying to keep up.
And Fay, that was an awesome Faith voice. I am breathless.
“Total slander....well, let’s find that mausoleum now.”
Bwah! Great work, erika.
Hmm, I get some webspace free from my ISP. Feeling very strong "Should I stay or should I go?" feelings about that. Cause I'm not sure I want to be a Fandom Person that much...I started doing it, just hoping for one good story. And I got that, a couple times.But it has taken on a life of its own... I'm just not sure if I want to go with it or not. Thanks, sj. I really liked Claire a lot.
Claire is my favorite. None of the other female DA's have lived up to her, imo.
Fay! DAYUYM, woman.
And you should totally send that to Roz. And if you do, can you please tell her I'm working on her Faith piece, but had to take time out to edit second novel?
That piece had almost too much salty goodness to enable me to single out anything, but I have to confess to a major heart-on for
Her back arches, raising the paper bag up for a moment, and her breasts press against the thin fabric of a too-small t-shirt borrowed from Dawn. Faith's approach to laundry is erratic. She isn't wearing a bra.
That's just so damned Faith. And she isn't even my girl, you know? I rarely write her, mostly because I've seen too many bad attempts to humanise her. Too many of them have taken the "let's cut her down, that ought to do it" road.
Not yours, bebe. It fucking kills.
More "Fledgling", which is to say, more Homicide/Angel.... I expect to be finished soon. Munch POV
It bothers me to think of leaving Drusilla. It surprises me how much. But she’s a job by herself. She talks too much and I’d be afraid to leave her in my place by herself because she’d set the place on fire or something. Maybe I should just cut out some afternoon, early, before she wakes up. Because she could get around me with those big green eyes...I know she could, even though you’d hardly expect a monster to be so schmaltzy, right? I know I wouldn’t. But we were both brought into this against our will, even if I had more of a choice than Dru.
The files are neat, like those of the Third Reich before them.”Why did they keep all this shit? Didn’t they know how incriminating it would be?” I guess it’s true what we always say around the squad. Crime does make you stupid, even when you’re not.
This must be Counselor Herrenvolk’s department. I see Lilah as more of a reckless abandon type, more or less, although thinking of her like that still presents a huge distraction, evil though I know she is. I could never be truly evil, just like I couldn’t be truly good. I have one foot on each side of either line, but just thinking the phrase “truly good” made me climb into the air vents until I could hear in the office Kay and that Manners guy went into.
Even though I know it has to be some good cop thing, it kills me to hear her laugh with him. I want to charge in there like a cowboy and hold her to my cold, bony breast, claim I was there as back-up. But she’d think I was out of my mind.
Not half as much as Angelus must be, poor bastard. That whole perfect happiness thing must really mess with his social life.But here again, I have to take issue with established accounts. Because apparently, it was so good with Buffy, the 16-year-old virgin, that the first time they did it, he lost his soul. Pardon me for not believing that for a moment...there are at least three major sociological and physiological problems with that theory.After about the third time, maybe they’d have imperfect happiness, like everyone else.
But then, I swear, against my will, my fantasies about Kay return to mind. Only this time, it’s after, and she’s got her head, with her amazing hair, across my chest. Not a lot of fireworks or gymnastics, but I can’t imagine much better on this corrupted planet, damn it.
Dying really screws up your love life. We have things in common, me and him, though, The Princess got to both of us. Kind of a small club, like the guys who married Marilyn.Nobody else knows what it’s like. He doesn’t strike me though, as the kind of guy to sit in a Cavalier and talk about it with a person, which seems like a waste if you ask me.
But on the bright side, it’s only a little bit my fault this time, that’s got to be a step forward, right? Yeah, sure, John, you just keep telling yourself that...I really hate it when I get hopeful, it clouds my thinking, even as I live for it. If I don’t watch out, I’ll end up unliving with Dru forever: his and hers mishegoss, two couches, no waiting. It’ll be like living with Nancy all over again, without the finality of death(We were great till we signed the papers, by the way.I don’t know if being married changed her too much or me not enough, but I’m taking the Fifth anyway.)
Erika, I'm so enjoying your Munch. I can't mind at all that you're ficcing so much. Such good stuff in here lately. Deb and Fay, so nice.
I wrote a (I think) funny Buffy/Angel/Cordelia fic and used the word glovebox. I've been questioned about the use of that word, and I know there's another one that's used regularly, but I can't think of it.
The fic is here: Cordelia Chase. Actress. Hero