oh lord. You've made Quentin Travers a sympathetic character. That's just wrong.
Anya ,'Touched'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
oh lord. You've made Quentin Travers a sympathetic character. That's just wrong.
Hah, it worked.
you are such an evil creature, Constance.
Erika, I liked that, though I don't know the characters at all. Maybe I'll fall in love with them like I have Kay, Munch and Tim, just because you show them to me so well. I don't even LIKE cop shows, blast it.
I'm totally with Travers on this one, seriously.
Aw, Deena, that's cool. A lovely compliment. I mean I love Munch, Kay, and Tim(sometimes more than a friend) but some of those pairings? Redundant.I'm glad I can pass it on though. I'll find some photos. Logan also is a detective with big brown eyes who got beaten up as a child...I think I have a scary type. Logan's a hothead though and way more "Love 'em and leave 'em" than "Sex is love" I don't even like cop shows... That's right. Not everybody's mama takes "The Valachi Papers" for light beach reading. Or "Serpico". I keep forgetting that. ETA, because it's a Bitch's duty to share the pretty, even from ugly websites...http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/park/3460/MICHELLESPIC.html. And, I love Lenny, just not in the sort of way that would enable me to watch a hideous Roman movie to see him in a toga, as with our friend here. And for that one special person who's not seen L&O at all(though this boggles me, as much as there is.) [link] Briscoe's the one on the banner who isn't a. Sam Waterstonb. Black C.ER
“Sorry, Lenny, didn’t mean to offend your virgin ears.”
“The ears’re all I’ve got left, in that department."
“Neighbors say they were a real romantic couple...only started going out.”
”Maybe we need to look somewhere else then.” Lenny said. “Usually this kind of anger takes years.” Logan shot his partner that irritating raised eyebrow look.
“Experience really is the best teacher on that, Mike. You change girlfriends like sweatsocks. You’ll probably never know.Poor boy.”
“You know as well as I do the neighbors only know what affects them. A whole lot of ‘incidents’ have to happen before the cops come. You know that.”
”But you’re not bitter. OK, let’s talk to Romeo.”
“Rupert Giles?” Briscoe said. “Detectives Briscoe and Logan, Sunnydale Police.”
“One moment, Detectives.” Giles returned to his conversation with a shapely brunette.
“I’m sorry, but this really is urgent. About the Calendar murder...” Logan cut in.
“That is totally awful. But I still can’t believe he’s making me pay the fine.” The brunette said.
“Fine?” Briscoe asked.
“On the philosophy book I use to pick up college guys.”
“In my day it was Langston Hughes.”
“Poetry. That must have been a long time ago. No offense.”
“How could I possibly be offended by that?”
“That is totally awful. But I still can’t believe he’s making me pay the fine.” The brunette said.
Oh, brava! Cordy vs. Lenny should be amusing.
It feels weird to write this. No interior monologues. No assasination chatter. No Cavalier confessions. No Jesuits(I take that back...McCoy's got that story. He just doesn't talk about it like FP.)
“How could I possibly be offended by that?” Lenny asked sardonically.
“Well, some people have the crazy idea I don’t have any manners. That I just shoot my mouth off anywhere, but when it’s important, I have manners, like I don’t remember your name, Detective...”Miss Chase had decided Lenny meant that straight. She aimed a dazzling smile at Logan.
“Logan. Like Boston Airport,.
” Briscoe couldn’t believe it. His partner had to know how young this girl was, but he was still pulling out the crooked smile bit.
“Excuse us,” Lenny said.
“What? Why are you busting my hump?”
“You just can’t stop yourself, can you?”
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
”Well, I’ll just be here to make sure “hump” stays a noun, if you get my drift. I’ll talk to Lolita the Next Generation, you interview Giles.”
Logan went off into the back with the librarian. Briscoe sat at one of the tables with Miss..Chase, it said on her I.D.
“Where’s Detective Logan?”
“I sent him out to prevent a felony.”
”That’s good, I guess. What was I saying?”
“Talking about your manners,’ Lenny said, dryly.
“Right. Giles doesn’t know everything. I mean, sure, he’s English, but he’s also Secret Life Guy. I wouldn’t call that classy.”
“Whoa. Secret life? What kind?”
”It’s this whole big thing...he’s Buffy’s Watcher, and teaches her how to catch monsters and be a big freak. He gets hit in the head a lot though...I guess he’s better at the bookwork part."
I am loving this, erika! You have Lenny's voice down perfectly.