I got a read of affection, not groininess. Which I liked.(Is it vain if that also reminds me of that part in "Sweets" where Munch asks about the "deal" between Giles and Buffy, and what's it like to do Wonder Woman?)
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I got a read of affection, not groininess.
I picked that up as well. I think the problem I have with B/G is the same problem I have with 'shipping any trainee/mentor pairing, especially the ones that have such a strong parent-child feel to them. Plus, there's the fact that Giles and Joyce slept togther, which makes the whole idea of B/G just that much more squicksome.
I have a feeling, though, that if I'd started watching Buffy in, say, late S5, that I would be much less skeeved by the notion of the two of them getting together in "that way."
I don't know. I think I'd still be pretty skeeved. But it might simply be that my current skeeviness about it is overwhelming all other possibilities of non-skeeviness.
Oh, I like that word.
I started late...much less skeevy.(Not enough for ship-ness, you understand.) But you know, looking at linoleum makes Munch think about sex.
I don't know. I think I'd still be pretty skeeved. But it might simply be that my current skeeviness about it is overwhelming all other possibilities of non-skeeviness.
And yet? You're still not squicked by Cordy/Angel. Freak.
And I say that with love.
I think I'd still be pretty skeeved.
You'll be taken care of by a young magician and his trusty dragon Gleep?
I can see people who see Giles as being the same age as their fathers being squicked by the idea of a 'ship, but he's my age, and I'm all over the sexiness that is Giles. Postulate a circumstance where Buffy is more than of age and they've moved past the most obvious mentor/student situation into more of a partnership, and I'm there. Call me a freak, I'm still going to read the stuff.
I find G/B skeevy generally, though I could see them as an "old" settled couple in SA's story and not be disturbed by the idea.
I picked that up as well. I think the problem I have with B/G is the same problem I have with 'shipping any trainee/mentor pairing, especially the ones that have such a strong parent-child feel to them. Plus, there's the fact that Giles and Joyce slept togther, which makes the whole idea of B/G just that much more squicksome.
Yup. As someone said about Woody Allen? You're not supposed to fuck the children.
You'll be taken care of by a young magician and his trusty dragon Gleep?
Pervert! I mean, Pervect! (Mythconception.....)
Irl, I agree. But fantasy is not much like real life...I wouldn't really do it in a garbage dumpster or a cuffoon, probably. Maybe...ok, the Dumpster is a huge "no."