Oh, erika, this is intriguing.
Riley ,'Help'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Thank you. Just Detective Howard tapping me on the shoulder again.She didn't get where she was without being a little demanding, huh? I enjoyed messing with the vision thing because that was a huge wtf when I started watching Angel, and my orientation on TV was very like Howard's in life. FYI, cops never "solve" murders/cases. They "close" or "put down" cases. Not sure why...maybe because solutions are clear...2+2=4 and cases are not?(Which is making me think about "Nine crack rocks! Good job!" again.I'm going to hell, maybe.)
“Our Cordy...the one that thinks pretty people should have special parking places?
”The sign says ‘Factory outlet’
“Have you been there before?”
“Did I stutter?
Thanks. The thought that Cordelia'd be sick from a vision and still trying to hold her rep together struck me funny. And sad, too, a little bit, but not in a bad way. Like when Munch had a huge screaming fight with Felicia(again) and the whole squad hears his end, and then he comes out and says "Felicia and I are really starting to communicate." And they all pretend to believe him.And I have a soft spot for Snarky!Cordy, if not Bitchy Prom Queen Cordy.
Lilah in heels and Faith in her usual sensible type footwear. Is Lilah taller than Faith?
Is Lilah taller than Faith?
I think so. Or, at least, I know SR used to be a model, and ED never seemed much taller than the other women on Buffy. No doubt someone will swoop in momentarily with their exact measurements.
That's all I needed, LJ. Thanks. I've got them standing toe to toe and wanted to be sure it would work.
Do we post NC-17 fic in here anymore?
I would, but I'm all shameless and shit.
Okay, then, I will. This is Lilah/Faith, set in Season 2 -- right before they hire Faith to kill Angel. NC-17 for graphic sexual situations.
Lilah snapped her cell phone shut with a little more force than necessary. “An unfortunate incident with a Gravlak demon in the elevator shaft. It should be cleared up soon.”
Faith growled low in her throat and paced. Lilah smirked. Faith couldn’t sit still. She didn’t like being slowed down. It was something to remember. Lilah schooled her expression to impassivity and made mental notes on the care and handling of psycho slayers.
When Faith turned toward Lilah with a feral expression, Lilah realized she hadn’t straightened up fast enough. Adrenaline surged and she rode it. God, what a feeling. She arched an eyebrow.
“Okay, what’s the sitch?” The girl seemed to lose interest the moment she asked, turning away to tap a tattoo beat on the wall.
“I told you, the Gravlak…”
Faith waved her hand, “Yeah, yeah, not that one. The one that made you think it would be a good idea to send monkeys in too tight suits to pick me up.”
Faith’s pouty lips and pretty eyes didn’t make Lilah think, ‘Killer’, but she’d seen the reports, which made her phrase her response carefully. “We have a very lucrative offer for you, just as I explained through my…unfortunate…associates.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that.” Faith turned back toward Lilah and smiled. “If I’d known they were trying to offer me a deal…”. She shrugged. “Maybe you should…what do you types call that? Oh, yeah, rethink your strategy.”
“I’m sure we could find many mutually productive reasons to work together in the future.”
“Naw, not me. I don’t sit still that long.” She started pacing again, a small, vibrating dynamo. “How long is this gonna take, for chrissake?” She stopped suddenly. “You look like you sit still, plenty.”
Lilah had the unfortunate impression that Faith was talking about the size of her ass and repressed the almost overwhelming urge to look over her shoulder.
“They said they’d have the elevator repaired shortly and I’m sure they will. Everyone does their job well at Wolfram & Hart.”
Faith flashed a charming grin. The girl was lethal. “I just bet they do. Do you play as well as you work?”
“I’m not following you.” Lilah said dryly. That placeholder she’d used often enough in the past, a meaningless phrase designed to give Lilah time to think, changed everything.