Thanks. The thought that Cordelia'd be sick from a vision and still trying to hold her rep together struck me funny. And sad, too, a little bit, but not in a bad way. Like when Munch had a huge screaming fight with Felicia(again) and the whole squad hears his end, and then he comes out and says "Felicia and I are really starting to communicate." And they all pretend to believe him.And I have a soft spot for Snarky!Cordy, if not Bitchy Prom Queen Cordy.
Mal ,'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Lilah in heels and Faith in her usual sensible type footwear. Is Lilah taller than Faith?
Is Lilah taller than Faith?
I think so. Or, at least, I know SR used to be a model, and ED never seemed much taller than the other women on Buffy. No doubt someone will swoop in momentarily with their exact measurements.
That's all I needed, LJ. Thanks. I've got them standing toe to toe and wanted to be sure it would work.
Do we post NC-17 fic in here anymore?
I would, but I'm all shameless and shit.
Okay, then, I will. This is Lilah/Faith, set in Season 2 -- right before they hire Faith to kill Angel. NC-17 for graphic sexual situations.
Lilah snapped her cell phone shut with a little more force than necessary. “An unfortunate incident with a Gravlak demon in the elevator shaft. It should be cleared up soon.”
Faith growled low in her throat and paced. Lilah smirked. Faith couldn’t sit still. She didn’t like being slowed down. It was something to remember. Lilah schooled her expression to impassivity and made mental notes on the care and handling of psycho slayers.
When Faith turned toward Lilah with a feral expression, Lilah realized she hadn’t straightened up fast enough. Adrenaline surged and she rode it. God, what a feeling. She arched an eyebrow.
“Okay, what’s the sitch?” The girl seemed to lose interest the moment she asked, turning away to tap a tattoo beat on the wall.
“I told you, the Gravlak…”
Faith waved her hand, “Yeah, yeah, not that one. The one that made you think it would be a good idea to send monkeys in too tight suits to pick me up.”
Faith’s pouty lips and pretty eyes didn’t make Lilah think, ‘Killer’, but she’d seen the reports, which made her phrase her response carefully. “We have a very lucrative offer for you, just as I explained through my…unfortunate…associates.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that.” Faith turned back toward Lilah and smiled. “If I’d known they were trying to offer me a deal…”. She shrugged. “Maybe you should…what do you types call that? Oh, yeah, rethink your strategy.”
“I’m sure we could find many mutually productive reasons to work together in the future.”
“Naw, not me. I don’t sit still that long.” She started pacing again, a small, vibrating dynamo. “How long is this gonna take, for chrissake?” She stopped suddenly. “You look like you sit still, plenty.”
Lilah had the unfortunate impression that Faith was talking about the size of her ass and repressed the almost overwhelming urge to look over her shoulder.
“They said they’d have the elevator repaired shortly and I’m sure they will. Everyone does their job well at Wolfram & Hart.”
Faith flashed a charming grin. The girl was lethal. “I just bet they do. Do you play as well as you work?”
“I’m not following you.” Lilah said dryly. That placeholder she’d used often enough in the past, a meaningless phrase designed to give Lilah time to think, changed everything.
Faith’s energy sharpened, focused. Lilah found herself slammed against the metal walls hard enough to boom an echo up the elevator shaft, Faith’s body pressed up against hers and her wrists captured in tiny, but, Lilah winced, incredibly strong, hands. “Do you want to?”
“Everything okay in there?”
Faith leaned in and licked Lilah’s neck, enjoying the sharp intake of breath, the confusion on Lilah’s face.
“Hey, everything okay?”
“You’d better answer.” Faith whispered. “I’d hate for them to think I was slaughtering their hardest-working grunt before she got around to making me that offer.”
Lilah cleared her throat. “Everything’s fine.” She looked into Faith’s gleeful eyes and the bottom dropped out of her stomach. “Oh yeah, just peachy,” she muttered. Faith grinned, lightning quick, and then nipped Lilah’s lower lip.
“So, how’s a,” Faith’s head tilted, bobbled a little, as if she were trying to think of the right word. Lilah tried to ignore the fact that Faith’s left leg had insinuated itself between her thighs. “High powered lawyer type like you, end up escorting the hired help?”
“I volunteered.”
“Right, because riding all alone with a psycho in a big metal box, all the way from the underground garage to the penthouse, or whever this meeting is, not to mention the ‘unfortunate Gravlak incident’, is just the kind of thing you like to do.” Faith, never still, squirmed against Lilah through the whole speech, using her body like a weapon. The tops of her breasts nudged the undersides of Lilah’s, her jean clad leg abrading Lilah’s inner thighs. Lilah’s nipples hardened and she hoped the slayer didn’t notice. She did her best to ignore it herself.
“Well,” Lilah tilted her head forward a scant millimeter, as if confiding a secret. “I didn’t think I’d actually be locked up with you. It does make things more interesting.”
“Oh,” Faith’s smile turned blinding, “so you do like to play games.” She nodded approvingly. “Ever dressed up as a whore? A school girl?” She looked Lilah in the eye, arched an eyebrow inquiringly, “a man?”
Lilah, confused, shook her head no, then her face hardened. “I’ve never needed to take on another personality to get my fun.”
“Oh no, because you’ve got a pair under that skirt already, don’t you?” Faith chuckled, a husky, spine rippling sound. Lilah was equal parts angry and aroused, but then, anger always did arouse her.
“Hey, don’t get your panties in a wad.” Faith raised her hands, as if giving up, seeming not to notice that she still held Lilah’s wrists, casually grinding the bones together. “I like a woman with balls. It’s very attractive.”
Faith looked to her hands, left, then right. “Oh, gosh. I seem to have you trapped. Sorry about that.” Lilah started to relax, but, instead of releasing Lilah’s wrists, Faith pressed them back against the walls of the elevator and forced them up beside Lilah’s head. She leaned in so close that her breath teased Lilah’s lips. “No, I guess I’m not.”
“Not?” Lilah whispered.
“Not sorry.”
Faith rippled again, her knee pressed against Lilah’s mons. She used her breasts to stroke Lilah’s. Lilah shivered, feeling surrounded.
“You sorry?”
Lilah opened her eyes again. “Not yet.”
Faith grinned and kissed Lilah gently, Faith’s hands releasing Lilah’s wrists to bury themselves in Lilah’s hair, cradle her scalp.
Lilah responded, the angles and planes of her face turning her into something fierce and alien. Faith sank into the kiss. Lilah felt amazement, a silver thread underneath the blood thumping arousal, that anyone could throw themselves so wholeheartedly into anything.
“Fuck!” Faith fell back, holding her ribs. “What the fuck did you do to me?”
Lilah dangled the taser from its cord, swinging it gently back and forth. She grinned.
“Oh, you bitch. You are so going to pay for that.”
Faith threw herself at Lilah, tearing the taser from Lilah’s hand and throwing it against the wall where it shattered. She ripped Lilah’s tasteful blouse and skirt. Lilah, no stranger to dirty fighting, gave almost as good as she got, freeing those damned perky breasts from Faith’s tattered wifebeater with one good wrench of the worn fabric.
Faith pulled Lilah’s camisole down, the spaghetti straps hampering Lilah’s reach.
Lilah responded by ripping them loose and grabbing the top of Faith’s jeans, thumbing the buttons through the holes as quickly as possible.
Faith, breathing hard, reached between Lilah’s legs and cupped her, slid two fingers under the edge of her thong and inside, working clumsily.
Lilah laughed and jerked Faith’s jeans down. Fancy that. The girl didn’t wear panties.
Faith pulled her hand free. Her head fell back and she stared in surprise at Lilah’s face. Whatever she saw made her slap, hard, straight up between Lilah’s legs. Lilah’s own head fell back, sensation an electrical current curling through her body.
They collapsed together in a tangled heap, mouths and hands working, fiercely, their cries loud enough to wake the dead – waking the dead not an unknown occurrence at Wolfram and Hart.
They fell away from one another, breathing hard, arms and legs tangled in the tattered remnants of their clothing. Lilah tested her arms and legs for usability, feeling shattered. Faith’s silence made her head come up. The echo was gone.
They looked toward the elevator doors in unison.
“Oh shit.” Faith groaned.
Maintenance workers stood in the doorway, eyes glazed. Behind them more than a few office drones seemed frozen in their tracks.
Lilah recovered first, rising on only slightly teetery heels to stalk off the elevator. “I’ll be in my office.” She stepped forward and everyone fell back. She snapped her fingers under the nose of one of the drones until he looked up into her eyes. “Let me know when my meeting with Mr. McDonald and Mr. Lee starts.” She started down the hall, and then stopped as a thought occurred to her. She looked back over one lightly freckled shoulder at the tableau around the elevator. “Oh, and get my companion some clothes. Black leather, I think. Evil and all.”