Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Not really a real bunny...but I thought I'd write a few Bayliss/Dru scenes. AU for the Acathla episode with the tutu, huh?
Bayliss knew there could be trouble when he got called to stand in for Rupert Giles to prevent this Acathla thing. But it was kind of gratifying to be protecting somebody, not cleaning up after something horrible happened. Munch of course kept referring to “Minority Report” and the Big Brother nature of the pre-crime unit in the book. “It’s a nightmare for civil liberties, Timmy.”
“There’s a rumor Howard just bought one of those new Wonderbras. The guys want somebody to investigate, I thought of you.”
“I know you don’t know what a compliment you paid me. Thank you, Bayliss, man.”
And he was off, breasts winning out over constitutional theory.
When Tim got to the old factory, he found Rupert Giles unconscious(a surprisingly common state, even for an occult expert.)with badly injured fingers. He felt a pang in his own digits in sympathy. Tim respected Mr. Giles. He thought maybe if being a "murder police" hadn't got into his blood, he might've had a career like that. He had a uniform assist Giles to the hospital, and took his place.
A few minutes went by. An accented voice said "I think we've been had, children."
"I like this one," a woman's voice said. "He's pretty. Even better than the Watcher. Can I have him? I'll take care of him, promise."
She was so pretty and delicate it was easy for Tim to forget she was talking about making a pet of him.
The other vampire sighed. "You say that now, but you know I'll be doing all the work, pet. He's a bit delicate, anyway. For his height." Dru pouted, but for once, Spike stood firm. "You'd be all excited the first few nights then you'd forget to feed it, and be sad when it died. I'm not going through that again."
Tim couldn't believe it. His father said the same thing when Molly the setter died. He hated his father for that. "Bit of a poofter, isn't he?" But not as much as he hated the vampire for *that*.
Hee! That's lovely, Erika.
Thanks. Actually, it was the "Why would it make you see me?" scene I got first. But before that I have to hurt Timmy. Bummer. :) With his own...desires.(I am like, so stunned to be alone in this "market")
“Can I at least see what he knows?” Dru asked.
“Sure,” Spike said, conceding, but still very careful to keep one hand on his lover’s back. “Don’t be too long about it....I thought I was going to have to turn the hose on you and Rupert.”
He’s a very good kisser, even if it had been a very long time.” And Drusilla started singing to herself and doing a little softshoe in the empty factory.
“I told you I never wanted to hear about that again. Ever.”
“Aw, my poor William is cross.” Dru said, smiling like it was the best thing she’d ever heard.
Tim was afraid for the first time, seeing the naked greed in that smile. But those amazing eyes. Surely they pointed to some kind of humanity, some higher feeling, despite her broken, soulless state. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”
”I want to. What do you want, pretty boy?”
“This is ridiculous. “ Angelus said. “Let’s torture him and get it over with.”
”Fuck it. We’re not. Not yet.”Spike said, trying to be his toughest, “The only thing harder to clean up than librarian is eau d’ copper, right? You can start, after Dru’s done...I understand your people have some kind of radar.”
“Shh...use your inside voices.” Dru said. She turned to Bayliss and caressed his cheek.”Be in me,” she murmured. Bayliss felt sure he was dead, but then Emma was there. He knew she understood him, knew it was more than animal attraction, knew it was even stronger than Andy the CHP-pie and his angry hands.
"Oh, Tim,” Emma said. “I knew you’d be here, trying to rescue someone. I love that you’re a hero. You can be an even bigger hero if you tell about the ritual.” And he lost himself in her kiss.
“ I can’t.”
Angelus slapped Tim . Tim noticed the bonds that were now around his limbs. He assumed it was one of Emma’s little fetishes but then the pain started. Angelus asked for Spike’s lighter and burned Bayliss’ wrist, Emma murmuring consoling phrases all the while. He noted with some shame that arousal was starting to push past the pain and it brought tears to his eyes.
“No, no, I really can’t. I don’t know anything...we planned that specifically. Mr. Giles thought it would be safer.”
“People like you and me don’t care about being safe, Tim.” Emma said, with that glint in her eye. “Tell me.”
“I don’t know...I’m telling you.”
“Can you swear on Adena Watson’s life?” Emma asked as Tim heard the sickening pop of his own finger being dislocated.
”Yes,” he said, dully. “I swear. On Adena’s memory. Then the dizzying mixture of pleasure and pain as they kissed again. Maybe it could all be a dream, that thing with the clerk and the eleven cents...his trying to fend off Emma’s boyfriend, some kind of temporary insanity. Bayliss and Zoole, together again.
“That will be quite enough, Drusilla.”
"My turn...they didn’t have chainsaws when I tortured last.”
”Oh, Christ. Not the chainsaw line again. Ok, first time it was menacing, I’ll give you that. But repeating it’s just sad. Bloody derivative, mate.” Angelus gave his rival a look. "What? I was a poet once...I've learned a little something about language, right?" Tim, on looking into the demon face of the woman he'd been kissing, lost consciousness.
Who should say "Then why would they make you see me?" Pembleton or Munch? I can't decide...
Only one word in the last piece that rang wrong: slapping cruelly. I think the "cruelly" isn't needed, do you? We know our Angelus....