Which would be ok, if Karl hadn't said I was smart...that isn't smart. Not even. But tonight more Munch/Dru and then I'll figure out where the story goes after that.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
not your father's cop show
Erika, have you seen The Wire yet? Really wanting you to! I think it's as good as H:LoTS was in its heyday and is even more morally complex.
And, as far as I'm concerned, you can keep on with the Munch/Dru smut for a while longer yet. (now thinking of Timmy trying to save Dru. mmm perverse!)
No, I've not seen it. Heard good things, though.OMG, Timmy and Dru? Poor Timmy. He would definitely get drawn in. She could use that creepy hypnosis thing to stun the pretty boy, and then make him listen to all of her "crazy crap" I did think about making him a fledgling, but "tortured vampire" is not new news... kind of a sexy thought, though in a desperately wrong way(shivers)
desperately wrong
beautifully, beautifully wrong!
Willow in the cemetery. Geeks that pass in the night
When she was closer she heard voices. "Why do we have to be the ones breaking into crypts?" said a half-familiar voice.
"Because we lost the lightning round of Next Generation trivia," answering a completely unfamiliar voice.
"I'm still not sure he's right about that mistranslation of the Klingon subtitles."
Another clink of metal against stone. "Well, when there's a discrepancy between dialogue and subtitles, canon always follows the dialogue. That's just a given."
"I'm not arguing that, but the Klingon lexicon has gone through some changes since the dictionary was published. It's out of date, I don't care if it's the only authorized edition. 'Undiscovered Country' alone introduced new vocabulary that isn't adequately declined in the published sources."
"But Rule 32 says 'The Klingon Dictionary is the final arbiter of translation debates in trivia contests.' We all voted on that."
"Yeah, but that was when they were going to update the dictionary."
Willow peeked through the bushes at the two arguing young men. Yep, that was Jonathan, but who was the blond guy? And why were they using crowbars on the lock on the Du Lac crypt, which had been installed and magically reinforced by Giles himself years ago?
She debated several approaches, then decided on a Buffy-esque confrontation. She stepped around the bush. "Hi, guys. Whatcha doing?"
The resulting screams of shock were very gratifying.
Jonathan clutched his chest. "Wil--Wil--Willow."
"Hi, Jonathan." She looked at the other person. "Hi, have we met?"
The blond young man blinked, hugging his crowbar to him. "We were at school together. I'm Andrew."
Willow thought a moment, then nodded. "Tucker's brother."
Andrew beamed. "You remember me?"
She shrugged a little. "I think I saw you getting beaten up in the hallway one day."
"Oh, well, yeah, that happened a lot."
She looked at Jonathan. "So what brings you two out in the middle of the night? To the cemetery? With crowbars?"
Connie, I love this. Love the Klingon dictionary fight.
Not really a real bunny...but I thought I'd write a few Bayliss/Dru scenes. AU for the Acathla episode with the tutu, huh?
Bayliss knew there could be trouble when he got called to stand in for Rupert Giles to prevent this Acathla thing. But it was kind of gratifying to be protecting somebody, not cleaning up after something horrible happened. Munch of course kept referring to “Minority Report” and the Big Brother nature of the pre-crime unit in the book. “It’s a nightmare for civil liberties, Timmy.”
“There’s a rumor Howard just bought one of those new Wonderbras. The guys want somebody to investigate, I thought of you.”
“I know you don’t know what a compliment you paid me. Thank you, Bayliss, man.”
And he was off, breasts winning out over constitutional theory.
When Tim got to the old factory, he found Rupert Giles unconscious(a surprisingly common state, even for an occult expert.)with badly injured fingers. He felt a pang in his own digits in sympathy. Tim respected Mr. Giles. He thought maybe if being a "murder police" hadn't got into his blood, he might've had a career like that. He had a uniform assist Giles to the hospital, and took his place.
A few minutes went by. An accented voice said "I think we've been had, children."
"I like this one," a woman's voice said. "He's pretty. Even better than the Watcher. Can I have him? I'll take care of him, promise."
She was so pretty and delicate it was easy for Tim to forget she was talking about making a pet of him.
The other vampire sighed. "You say that now, but you know I'll be doing all the work, pet. He's a bit delicate, anyway. For his height." Dru pouted, but for once, Spike stood firm. "You'd be all excited the first few nights then you'd forget to feed it, and be sad when it died. I'm not going through that again."
Tim couldn't believe it. His father said the same thing when Molly the setter died. He hated his father for that. "Bit of a poofter, isn't he?" But not as much as he hated the vampire for *that*.
Hee! That's lovely, Erika.