I've always figured mine are suggestions. It startled me the first time someone wrote and explained why they weren't using it. Because you don't want to is a good enough reason for me.
'Smile Time'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Eliza Doolittle in Manolo Blahniks.
I love this.
Me too.
Our detective friends finally leave the roof today.
And, as you've noticed, I've started writing as if they are telling this to somebody(if Lestat can, why not my vampire?) But somebody asked me about that person, and I've no idea, except she's female and Munch thinks she's young. I wanna avoid Mary Sue. Can it be done?
“You just deserve somebody good enough to take your watch off for. Maybe even to forget what day it is. Mysterious, I like that. “
“It’s all a pose, Munchkin. I can read you like a book.”And it still sort of felt true.Not like it used to,but I sensed it would be bad to admit it...my honorary macho wouldn’t let me, huh?
“What am I thinking now?”He had one of his smirks on his face, and his eyebrow raised. I love and hate that face.
“I’m not gonna stand here and use that kind of language.”
“ You’re no fun.”
“Damn straight. But I’m alive to tell the story, huh?”
“Well, as much as I’d love to continue this conversation, my definition of being hot doesn’t include bursting into flames. And Darla’s waiting.”
He was getting ready to make his swing off the roof. And I stopped him, for just a minute. It seemed like the thing to do. “Munchkin?”
“Huh?” I knew that was just a placeholder. With his new hearing,he could practically hear me thinking. He just never misses a chance to kid me about that, even if I don't hear "Whatever, babe," as a whole lot classier.
“Just cause she plays with your balls, doesn’t mean she gets to keep ‘em, huh? Stand up for yourself this time.” And I surprised myself by hugging him hard, even though it didn’t exactly warm up that rooftop. “If you need anything, you know, above-ground...”
“Anything?” he asks, zeroing in on my lips.
“Anything but that. You take care. Don’t take any wooden nickels.” We hug again, only this time I feel an unmistakable pressure on my ass. “Whoa, hands in new places, huh?”
“For old-times’ sake. Even if, sadly, we never had old times that ended like that. You missed out, Howard, I could've given you..."
"The best eight minutes of my life. Yeah, well, I'm the one that got away, huh?"
"Yeah, I know. I'll always regret that. I just wanted to give you tangible proof, ok, babe?"
“Next time, send a Hallmark.” But I smiled. I felt like we were gonna be okay, even if it wasn’t in the way I wanted, with us going back to Charm City together. At least I got to say goodbye, which is more than I got from Crosetti. "Try not to kill people." Edited to finish Dopplegangland shout-out.
“Whoa, hands in new places, huh?”
renewing my marriage vows with erika.
PLEI!!! Yesyesyes!
I couldn't resist, which is gonna make all the "Homicide" people go "WTF?" Maybe I can make them start saying that. Or and by--- I mean porn. Like I've stuck Buffistas with, "huh?" and "babe".
I suspect Howard will jump Wesley soon. She sort of uses sex as "Prozac in a penis".
Munch was right...after the third time, it's actually good.;)
I’ve learned a lot since I’ve changed. As much about limitations as power. Like that injunction about vampires and sunlight is not just traditional or aesthetic. I almost set my hand on fire. Haven’t done that since I dropped out of college. But I just had to know. I hate rules, especially those applied in an unthinking way or because “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” So? Makes me kind of an unlikely cop, right?
Not if you don’t think of me as joining the police force, but kind of infiltrating it. Don’t laugh...I see that tattoo. I’m guessing you have similar plans to slay the dragon of Big Media. First Griselda Patel’s internship, tomorrow the world. Right? Let’s just say I can spot a fellow-sufferer. And if you edit this out, I’ll suck you dry. But if you edit this out, you’d hardly notice, so bloodless you’d be.
You don’t strike me as the bloodless type. I was gonna be Joe Friday, mixed with Jerry Rubin and Lou Reed... “I didn’t quite make it.” Is the understatement of the decade. Perhaps the century.
Cause you know, I hate people. I love The People. As in “We the People...” and “Power to The People”. Duh, as your generation so eloquently puts it. I still believe Bruce Springsteen is the greatest poet of our age, but if the guy in “Born to Run” cut me off, I’d still give him the finger.
I still believe Bruce Springsteen is the greatest poet of our age, but if the guy in “Born to Run” cut me off, I’d still give him the finger.
Oh, man, what tagline. In fact, I'm stealing it (with attribution) for my PF tag.
Cool! It just kind of popped in my head to describe the dichotomy between people/The People. It's probably a quote...I probably stole it. Nah...that's self-defeating, isn't it. But I do remember reading that Belzer is boundless in his Springsteen love, and considers him a hero(Which I remembered cause it's rather a fanboy concept that you wouldn't expect from him. Cause it sort of doesn't go with the package(um, not that package) At least on one level...you with me, babe? On another level it makes total sense.