Yes, it might be excessive at that...but this whole story tends toward excess. And I think she might, if she doesn't really mean it...but I'm not telling, just yet.
'A Hole in the World'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Heh. I lied and created a cheap cliffhanger just TV might be in my future after all.
She stuck out her chin in that way she has but I could tell there was no intent behind it. Just to be safe, I kept about a person's width between us."Where?" I asked. "Taped to your thigh?(in which case, lucky stake!) What are you doing up here?
Don't tell me you convinced that British Poindexter to join the twelve-stories-high club!"
"No, it's nothing like that," she said, not looking at me. "Why don't you give your sense of humor a rest some time, huh?"
I believe I mentioned to you that there are times I can be very stupid, right? One of the ways I am stupid is mistaking an absence of homicidal intent from a woman as an opening. This time it kind of worked out but last time it happened, with my third wife, Nancy? It took a restraining order to clear up my confusion(If you're keeping score, I'm not holding my breath, provided I still needed it, for closure on that one.) I sit to show her that my fangs are staying inside my mouth, but the demon smells her worry and fatigue and counts the pulses in her neck. I do something I rarely do: tell one of my urges to shut the fuck up. It's surprisingly simple. The part that's not is the part where I can't get credit for my sacrifice...the karmic gold star, you know what I'm saying, babe? Although I know "Look, Kay, I'm resisting the urge to drink your blood like latte!" is not exactly confidence-inspiring, even if I don't drink latte. -more-
She wouldn't get the compliment in it.And the evil part of my brain(not a vampire one, just the part of my brain that hasn't been really mine since I'm thirteen, and is now unlikely to be reclaimed by a placid old age and a winter place in Boca) is picturing her beneath me, lovely hair spread out, waiting for me to give her something the other guys never could. Even as I think it, I know it would be a poor substitute. It's the living blood pumping through her skin that makes Kay beautiful. and the light that puts a spark in her eyes. Thinking about her in minion garb is still distracting though, and I'm glad when the silence lengthens.
"Hey," I say, putting my glasses on, "it's me. You want to talk about it?"
"That's not the face I'm worried about. But I'll protect you. Because of Pratt. At least."
"How did you know about that?" I can't help it...I start pacing. "Fucking Bayliss, right?"
"Don't blame Timmy, John. I can be smart when I'm not high as a kite on morphine(I can't believe you used to cloud your brain for fun, Munchkin. I don't like feeling that stuff is happening behind my back)'s what they pay me the big bucks for. Detective, remember? And that had your fingerprints all over it."
Author's Note: Can't believe I missed this, but I am so writing The Movie over again. But different. Down to the frickin' rooftop even. How weird is that?
"No, it didn't," I say. "I got everything."
"Mental fingerprints, John. One of your...metaphors. I know you, huh? And now I've got a confession. I can't use it or anything. Not that I would only boost Timmy's clearance rate. And more importantly, open a huge can of worms within the department. And I'm beyond grateful that little scumbag's dead. I hate to say it but it's true. You were trying to protect us. I can respect that."
"You respect me? I thought I was gonna have to ask your forgiveness or something. I know you like to fight your own battles, handle things yourself."
"Have you done things, now, that you need forgiveness for?" She gives me a look like I'm her friend, but maybe a perp too. I start to feel like one. If I still could, I might sweat now. "You're in luck. I'm not really in that business." She stands up, drops her head and I can see she's wrestling with pretty powerful emotions. "The thing I can't work out is why, John."
I try to get close, she backs away. You're not human now, Munch, you moron, get that through your thick head. Things are different now. "I thought we covered that. To protect you. And to get some vengeance. Pratt threatened my life too, don't forget, huh?" I smile the lopsided smile that women have told me they find endearing, and hope the mimicry softens her.-more-
I smile the lopsided smile that women have told me they find endearing, and hope the mimicry softens her.
Oh, that's very nice.
"Not that,' she says, waving the thought away, like it was more of my squadroom theorizing. "This," she says, sticking her fingers in her mouth and waggling them to approximate fangs. "You had so much to live for, Munchkin." Her voice tears me up. Nobody ever sees that side of Kay Howard. A couple times on her mom's birthday. The anniversary of when her mom died(which is also Valentine's Day...what kind of cosmic joke is that?! Ok, that was her excuse...what was yours?) A couple of times with rough cases with kids...not that she ever went to Bayliss Country, just got sort of withdrawn and touchy. I'm touched at the use of the nickname, (ironically self- bestowed in the middle of one of my bitchfests but since either a target of Meldrick's "humor" or a symbol of Howard-affection) worried for her, and wondering what yardstick on earth she could have used to determine that.She hasn't started getting high, has she? No, we covered that.
"It's just like everything else in my misspent life. Done by accident, to impress a blonde."
Deena, that part wasn't too schmoopy, was it? Cause I liked that image too, but I have to be really careful about the schmoop with these guys.
No, I don't think it was too schmoopy at all. It was calculated, and that's intriguing, that bit of plotting in him during a sort of schmoopy moment. I liked it.
Well, he's been around some women. And in whatever way, he makes them unbelievably angry with him...I suspect occasional "monogamy issues" combined with their "mental health issues". I'm thinking as much trouble as he gets in, he must be able to get out, sometimes. It's not all shtick but some of it must be.
And he's got to have something that gets them involved in the first place.