Deena, that part wasn't too schmoopy, was it? Cause I liked that image too, but I have to be really careful about the schmoop with these guys.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
No, I don't think it was too schmoopy at all. It was calculated, and that's intriguing, that bit of plotting in him during a sort of schmoopy moment. I liked it.
Well, he's been around some women. And in whatever way, he makes them unbelievably angry with him...I suspect occasional "monogamy issues" combined with their "mental health issues". I'm thinking as much trouble as he gets in, he must be able to get out, sometimes. It's not all shtick but some of it must be.
And he's got to have something that gets them involved in the first place.
Yes, definitely. And I'm being honest here, it's not that I don't love him, but he can't rely on the the physical impression. The Munchkin has to grow on a person.(And I can hear him right now saying "Great. Like mold, like fungus." But that's not what I meant.)
He's got a certain look, sometimes, though, that I find attractive, and I can imagine him using it on purpose.
Probably practiced in the mirror before dates until he was twenty. And, yeah, I see it too, but he got me with the wordplay first. Although, writing him? His sentences go on for six years, sometimes. Or they are not sentences at all, just kvetchy fragments. Feast or famine.
But Munchkin - like Portnoy - is all about the kvetchy fragments, damnit. They work fine.
Yeah, probably not if you're his gf. And I read that damn book until it fell apart, it should surprise nobody to know.I'm not sure why...intially I think my mother got it from the library and I felt like I shouldn't be looking at it. Then there was the how the other half lives thing. And well, he's practically screaming. About jerk-off contests and such.Guess it didn't hurt anything, unless you want me to eat liver. I didn't tear up the library copy...I bought another one. Cause I know people here hate people violating(and I don't mean porn. honest) library books. I can see the letter now.
Dear Mr. Roth,
My friends tell me I do an excellent impression of you.Signed, your unlikeliest fan evah,