Although goyish, and as such, able to construct and maintain his own utility belt. In my family? With his money? We'd call in a Utility Belt Guy.
I think I just snorted up my own nose.
Mal ,'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Although goyish, and as such, able to construct and maintain his own utility belt. In my family? With his money? We'd call in a Utility Belt Guy.
I think I just snorted up my own nose.
Plei, I might have as well, if I wasn't still lost in the utter wonder of the Every(Bat)Man concept.
What scares me is that I don't even know how I knew that.(OK, only about a million stand-up comics have told me about Jews and getting The Guy, but...) I would hardly call myself an expert on the XY people. And not on Batman since I was eleven or so.
Plei, the first one was fun and the second one was more disturbing than I was ready for. Very shivery making.
Erika, man, that's just amazing, beyond amazing.
Thanks. Honestly, I wondered as I was typing it whether the utility belt bit was going too far, but it got a laugh so...I just wouldn't want anybody to think I'm pulling a Tim Watley(comedian on Seinfeld who converted to make Jewish jokes)
This is an interesting Spike/Buffy smutfic...
WindSparrow "Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers" Jan 2, 2004 9:13:56 pm PST
Or a link to one, anyway...
It's true...Pretty hot.
I'm a very bad man. So bad, I'm linking to it, even though it's PG.
Mutating Paradigms and Other Shifts in Reality
It's, umm.
kinda B/G
I've got a certain weakness for B/G. I'm probably going to Electra Complex Special Hell. It's not an OTP or anything, though.
"We would have gotten a utility belt guy." But that's neither here nor there. I'm just trying to explain why I enjoy climbing from rooftop to rooftop, even when, strictly speaking, there's no need for it. The Princess hates when I do it, claims it attracts too much attention, blah, blah, blah. She doesn't know what my new agility means to me The honeymoon has gone on long enough that I no longer pay attention to every syllable out of her perfectly shaped mouth, gifted though that organ is. Sometimes, I like my time alone. Better that than mediating between the Princess and Dru. Some of their smallest beefs still go back fifty years And did I mention the claws? -more-