We're on Mountain, and the only freaks who do not spring forward or fall back(If we did, every day would last six years, instead of just feeling like it.) Obnoxious Fan Behavior #9: Do you think she'd appreciate a link to the Munch/Kay dumpster scene? Me either. I was just glad she is not wearing a black buzzcut to say "I'm not Kay Howard, damn it!"
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
continuation of the Wes and Cordy scene:
"It's nothing of the sort...that's complete bollocks. I mean, sure, I wondered if she brought her handcuffs, but that's just healthy curiosity, isn't it?"
"Whatever, Wes...I don't wanna know. Detective Munch exhausted my TMI quota for life! Do you know it took him three tries to take his liquor safety class? For that bar, which, Elaine's it's not. That poor woman down at the liquor board told me he would not shut up and just sat there offering his opinion and being 'funny' like some old, drugged-out Xander Harris or something. If he was really funny, he'd be rich. Seriously, Wes, think about what I said. It really explains why our kiss was so terrible."
"I've been counting the days till you brought that up again. All that's happened, all the demons we've slain, and you are treating me like a braindead off the street over some kiss from three years ago!"
"It doesn't take a vision to spot your new crush's contribution to your vocabulary. Isn't Masterpiece Theater on or something?"
"Maybe it was you," Wesley said, mumbling a little.
"Excuse me?"
"Maybe you're not as appealing up close...it does take two people to have a bad kiss, you know."
"I'll have you know, there was a list of people that wanted to kiss me."
"Two Words: Not. Lately."
"Oh. My. God. I hope your new girlfriend blows your head off. And not the fun way. With her gun."
This is what happens when squadroom snark is contagious. Bravo!
Oh, my.
Cordy as evil-snark (cop-style, that is).
Oh my oh my.
"Hey," I said, "What's all the commotion out here?"
I hadn't intended to fall asleep here, but I went out and ate and then found that my fatigue caught up with me when I sat down. And my intuition was calmer now, so when I looked at my watch(Yes, I leave my watch on in bed at night.but it's not like, if anything's going on, I've got my stopwatch out, I just like to know what time it is.I Mostly, what really happens is I get called in, look at my watch and think "It's three in the morning. Don't people die before ten any more?" But I still do it.
It's like I told the Munchkin, I never found anybody good enough to take it off for...I think he's taking that as a personal challenge) three hours had gone by. Shit. Had they been squabbling for three hours? Think Frankentim, I told myself. Three hours is a quiet day for them, huh? But they bring it home. "What's all the commotion out here? Make me happy, guys. I love to wake up happy. But you know, you guys are old enough now that I expect you to be good little investigators whether Mama's home or not, huh?" I sounded like some weird Giardello/Mae West hybrid.
I sounded like some weird Giardello/Mae West hybrid.
I sleep while wearing it
Sweetie, could you switch this? To "I even wear it while I sleep" or something along those lines? Because as is, the cause and effect is backward: it reads as if she falls asleep because she's wearing her watch.
First, I hadn't noticed how much that scene sounded like squadroom patter...That's maybe not of the good.Cause I don't want every character to sound like that, right?(Although, ok, it was funny...and I want Wesley to think the way Kay talks is cool and try to sneak it in places, but I don't want to screw up his voice.) And, ok, Deb, I hadn't noticed that. I'll fix it.ETA: Lyra Jane, I'm totally doing some fangirl dance of joy right now, because ML answered my question in the chat. Wasn't much, but I got to tell her I liked her work, and ask her about getting recognized for her efforts...the internet rules. Because, if we ever met, I'd be all "Dude, great hair!" and be embarrassed and want to die.
"Ok, what've you got for me?" I asked.
Cordy rolled her eyes at me and looked like she had some real creative answers to that question...I let it pass.
Wesley said "We've successfully ruled out a body swap, demonic possession, and yetis. Other than that, research remains inconclusive."
"OK, well as long as you start with the simple stuff first."I said. "Hey, have you guys eaten today?"
"No, we've been rather focused on our work...we've got a real 'whodunit' here."
"You don't have to do that," I said. He was cute, but such a little apple-polisher. How does a guy like that fight demons? Probably like the old joke, "Very carefully."
"Do what?" he asked.
"Talk like me, huh? I only talk like me cause I can't talk like you. All grammatical and shit. Proper. Classy. Munch helps me sometimes, but mostly I don't know my ass from an adverb, huh....I don't know what I'm gonna do if he doesn't turn up...I just don't."
"Under the circumstances, I'd sit very carefully then."
"What? I'm not following."
"Not knowing your ass from an adverb, you're liable to injure yourself if you sit too quickly(which is also an adverb, but nothing like...)
"Oh, it's a joke! OK, Lifetime moment's over. I'll just run back to that little restaurant across the street, and get you guys something, huh? Exercise helps me think, and if that doesn't work, we'll use an old detective's trick and get liquored up. OK?"
"Which place? Hong Kong Gardens?"Wesley asked.
"Make sure they put enough snow peas in next time. And less of those oogy water chestnut things!" Cordy called, from the bathroom.
"Did you say 'Hong Kong' Gardens? Cause I think we found a trail, boys and girls."
(settles in to wait for more)
"Well, it's like Kay says 'You don't get to pick the vic,'Wesley says."Certain kind of earthy wisdom there...a kind of poetry, really."
I love it all, but this.. I could really hear Wes saying this.