Good. Sorry I'm no help.
I had to laugh when on my way out, I heard this.
"Doesn't Detective Howard make you miss stupid clients?" Cordy asked Wes.
Wesley said, "We don't have stupid clients, Cordelia."
"OK...whatever...less hands-on. The kind that shut up and pay....what's with this guy? Divorces, a judgement, exes that would rather hear from the public health inspector than about Cagney sure she wants him back? And he was in your "decadent" photo exhibit...I've never been so glad to see a scrollbar in my life!"
"Well, it's like Kay says 'You don't get to pick the vic,'Wesley says."Certain kind of earthy wisdom there...a kind of poetry, really."
"Well, ok, but too bad you'll never say that're hard enough to understand without faux-Tarantino, huh? Damn, she's got me doing it."
"She says she works for God. Maybe we could make our new slogan 'We work for the Powers That Be''s not quite the same, is it?"
"You're into her, huh?...dang, I mean, aren't you?"
"She's quite a woman."
"Make sure it's the woman you like, not just her big gun."
"You heard me. Men have weapons fantasies out of certain...inadequacies. It's in all the magazines."
(first grin I've had in about two hours)
Then, it's worth it, then. Unless you're Wesley, who's probably dying for a lead right now.
Deb, that's an interesting idea, though I'm not sure it's where I'm going.
(I have a paranoia about telling my plots -- explaining them before I write them seems to result in them never being written. You'll see it Saturday, anyhow.)
"You heard me. Men have weapons fantasies out of certain...inadequacies. It's in all the magazines."
Nice nod to Cordy/Xander in "Innocence."
Looking forward to more Kay/Wes and Munch/Darla.
Oh, thank you...and that is a real compliment since you know half the players.(And well, Munch is me, except middle-aged, male, and Jewish.And nobody ever had cause to wonder if I blew anyone's head off. Yet.)
Not-at-all Seekrit Message for Erika: Melissa Leo is doing a live chat on today at 2 Eastern, which is either noon or 11 a.m. your time. (I have no idea if Arizona is Mountain or Pacific.). You can submit questions ahead of time or read the chat here.
We're on Mountain, and the only freaks who do not spring forward or fall back(If we did, every day would last six years, instead of just feeling like it.)
Obnoxious Fan Behavior #9: Do you think she'd appreciate a link to the Munch/Kay dumpster scene? Me either. I was just glad she is not wearing a black buzzcut to say "I'm not Kay Howard, damn it!"