From the (what? stop looking at me like that) FAQ:
Ugol's Law
At some time in the past (nobody's sure when) Harry Ugol made an off-the-cuff remark (nobody's sure what) that has since become one of the cornerstones of asb thought. Two of the most common formulations of Ugol's Law, as it came to be known, are "For any given kink, either nobody does it or more than one person does it", and "If you ever ask 'am I the only one who ?' the answer is invariably 'no'." However, the best way I ever saw of putting it was written by -^-^Spectrum^-^-, who wrote it "You are not the only one."
I'm convinced there is only one person in the world with a Roy-Orbison-in-cling-film fetish. But I'm pretty sure that one is the exception that proves the rule.
Snerk. (edit: amych, I'm half-sure that there isn't *anybody* with a genuine RO-in-cling-film fetish. But that may be the camels talking.)
Well, having discovered this particular application of Ugol's Law (Ugol. Sounds like a servant of Sauron.) the question is one of fandom ettiqutte: does one really sign up to a mailing list, check there are no rules against fic, and just post a story, without lurking for a while and knowing what you're going into? Is one brave enough?
I'm convinced there is only one person in the world with a Roy-Orbison-in-cling-film fetish. But I'm pretty sure that one is the exception that proves the rule.
This gives me hope that somewhere in the bowels of the interbunny, there's a hidden stash of you-know-what with you-know-who.
This gives me hope that somewhere in the bowels of the interbunny, there's a hidden stash of you-know-what with you-know-who.
Plei, I know about the double-your-fun challenge, but I refuse to try and apply it to Voldemort.
Oh. You meant the Buffy/Wesley, possibly.
you do/write/make something, step back, look at it, and think, "nobody else could possibly be as crazy as I am. I am all alone,
I occasionally had this kind of thought, too. It died for me when I discovered the Hobbit vampire slash yahoo group.
the Hobbit vampire slash yahoo group.
Is that (she enquires tentatively) hobbit/vampire, or actual vampire hobbits? Because I'm imagining both, and trying to decide it Spike/Frodo or Pippin with fangs is the scarier.
Edit: though either, or both, would rather confirm Ugol's law.
Is that (she enquires tentatively) hobbit/vampire, or actual vampire hobbits?
Actual vampire hobbits. For example, Frodo looking even paler than at the end of TT, if that's possible, longing and yearning for Sam to come. just. a. little. closer. That sort of thing. Also vampiric Mippin.
This gives me hope that somewhere in the bowels of the interbunny, there's a hidden stash of you-know-what with you-know-who.
Plei, I know about the double-your-fun challenge, but I refuse to try and apply it to Voldemort.
Oh. You meant the Buffy/Wesley, possibly.
I figured she meant Newt/Kissy.
Oh. You meant the Buffy/Wesley, possibly.
No, I know where most of that lives (including WIPs and things awaiting betaing, because I am a very aggro archivist, and sniff it out right quick.)
I'm thinking more in the RPS vein.