First Sunday 100 drabble. Theme is costumes, masks, masques....
Of His Kind
"Nice party."
He recognised neither the voice nor the face. She was pretty, he could tell that much, cheekbones and clean lines and a full mouth. Hell, Angel thought, the mouth alone was worth the price of admission; it was as lush and tender as an autumn rose.
"Dance with me?"
He led her onto the dance floor. If Cordelia was going to talk him into throwing a Halloween party, he might as well have fun.
In the Hyperion's night-blooming garden, he bent to kiss her. Her changing face, the lunge at his throat, left him laughing and her unmasked.
I get to write two more. I think I will.
Not right this second, though. Cleaning.
Drabble the second, following a theme.
Of My Kind 2 (no spoilers)
It's wasn't a holiday, here in Paris. Then again, Paris has never needed a reason to deck itself out en fete.
The smallish young man - others would probably call him compact - moved through throngs of men dressed as pirates and couriers, of women dressed as houris and queens and butterflies. A girl, detaching herself from a glittering throng drinking champagne at the Seine's edge, whirled him into the dance. Fiddlers scraped a merry tune.
Oz pulled her close, spun her away, caught the wolf-scent on her. He let go of her hand, wondering if she'd scented him first.
Your descriptions are so much better than mine. I'm so not elegant.
But erika, mine have to be elegant, in this context - it's the 100-word limitation.
That's why I love them. They force me into self-discipline.
No, you know, I'd write 100 words on characters taking the trash style is just kind of a blunt instrument.
But 100 words on taking out the garbage, depending on how it's written and who writes it, can be fucking staggering.
At the very least, it can be insanely illuminating of a given character.