Dying with laughter at thought that I might produce something too dirty/ kinky for somebody to read.Like it should have a warning: Contains eyefucking. And I'm so proud...teaching a Buffista a shiny new word.I'm like erinaceous' cousin from the bad side of town. Dare I confess how many times I read that book? AWFG.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Dying with laughter at thought that I might produce something too dirty/ kinky for somebody to read.Like it should have a warning: Contains eyefucking. And I'm so proud...teaching a Buffista a shiny new word.I'm like erinaceous' cousin from the bad side of town. Dare I confess how many times I read that book? AWFG.
Hee. Well, I think it was your comment about your parents being proud, in conjunction with you mentioning the eyefucking, that scared me off, and well, you did just write dumpster sex, missy.
Aw, you guys. If it would reach, I'd totally be dragging my toes in the dirt modestly, and shit. Jeez, totally? Just because I write "Band candy" doesn't mean I've had any.
Just because I write "Band candy" doesn't mean I've had any.
I'm going to curl up with shrift's tonight, when we get back. Between erika and shrift, I'm fic-a-licioused.
Yes, I guess I did. Didn't think of that, bwah. I'm just saying, because they got so much bang out of my degree...I studied the best journalists, and scholars and poets and sit alone at night writing "yo" "hard-on" and "eyefuck". And my dad got the idea from somewhere that I have a dirty mouth. That is such bullshit.
Huh. I'd always thought an eyefuck was an obviously-lasciviously-checking-someone-out kind of deal.
t stupid
I suppose it could be...I think it's a connotation thing. Like if you say "She's trying to fuck with me." she might or might not wanna get you naked. I have read it that other way... but not in Homicide...poor Tim's life would have been so different.
Oh, Shrift, I'm dying with laughter here.
Yay! I found Xander to be an unexpected source of delight while tackling this story. (So much so that I was worried I was getting a little too self-indulgent. Heh.)
Hey, RL! Haven't seen your wonderful self around these parts much.
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